LEC 1: Concept Clarification Flashcards
What does an interprofessional education (IPE) provide?
- More coordinated and comprehensive care
- Places priority on the preferences of the client
- Can break down stereotypes and foster respect for the skills and perspectives of all healthcare providers
How do we define “family”?
- Who we include in our family depends on how we view the role of families, and how family members interact with each other
- It is about affiliation and bonds
- The context is key to a family
- It is important to recognize and embrace the uniqueness of each family
What is a family?
- A social construct
- A relationship
- A pluralistic, contextual, culturally dependent construct
- Many definitions: legal, political, economic
What is the legal defenition of family?
A group of two or more persons residing in the same houshole who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
- Bomar, 2004, p.40
What is the economic definition of family?
Individuals related by blood, marriage (including common law of opposite or same sex) or adoption sharing a common private dwelling.
- Census of Canada conducted by Statistics Canada, 2006
What does a census family refer to?
- A married couple (with or without children of either and/or both spouses), a common-law couple (with or without children of either and/or both partners), or a lone parent of any marital status, with at least one child.
- A couple may be of opposite sex or same sex.
What are the two ways that a couple family with or without children can be classified as?
- Intact family
- Stepfamily
Intact Family
All children are the biological and/or adopted children of both married spouses or of both common-law partners.
At least one biological or adopted child of only one married spouse or common-law partner and whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.
What are the two way stepfamilies are classified?
- Simple stepfamily
- Complex stepfamily
Simple Step family
A couple family in which all children are biological or adopted children of one, and only one, married spouse or common-law partner whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.
- Those in whcih only one spouse has children who where born or adopted before the current union and are living in the household.
Complex Stepfamily
Is a couple family which contains at least one biological or adopted child whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship. These families contain children from:
- Each married spouse or common-law partner and no other children
- One married spouse or common-law partner and at least one other biological or adopted child of the couple
- Each married spouse or common-law partner and at least one other biological or adopted child of the couple
►Those in which at least one parent has children from a previous union living in the household and there are also children born into the new union.
What is the functional defenition of family?
A group of individulas who are bounded by strong emotional ties, a sense of belonging, and a passiong for being involved in one another’s lives.
- Wright and Leahey, 2013
What are the five critical attributes of a family?
- The family is a system or unit
- Its members may or may not be related and may or may not live together
- The unit may or may not contain children
- There is commitment and attachment among unit members that include future obligation
- The unit caregiving functions consists of protection, nourishment, and socialization of its members
What are the roles and responsibilites of family memebrs?
- The Vanier Institute of the Family, 2004
- Physical maintenance and care of group memebrs
- Addition of new members
- Socialization of children
- Social control of memebers
- Production, consumption, or distribution of goods and services
- Affective nurturance-love
What are the top ten trends for Canadian families?
- The Vanier Institute of the Family, 2004
- Fewer couples getting married
- More couples breaking up
- Families are gettng smaller
- Children experience more transitions as parents change their marital status
- Canadians are generally satisfied with life
- Family violence is udner-reported
- Multiple-earner families are now the norm
- Women still do most of the huggling involved in balancing work and home
- Inequality is worsening
- The future will have more aging families
Why is it important to learn about family diversity and family nursing?
- Global and national demographic changes reflect diversity
- Diversity of students as learners and as caregivers
- Increased commitment to a transcultural, multicultrual approach
- Need for cultrualy safe care
- Growth in racial and ethnic diversity
What is family health?
A dynamic changing of well-being, which includes the biological, psychological, spiritual, sociological, and cultural factors of individula memebrs and the whole family system,
- Hanson, 2005 in Kakkinen, 2010
What are traits of healthy families?
- Communicates and listens
- Fosters table time and conversation
- Affirms and supports one another
- Fosters and teaches respect for others
- Develops a sense of trust
- Has a sense of play and humor
- Has a balance of interaction among members
- Share leisure time
- Exhibits a sense of shared responsibility
- Teaches a sense of right and wrong
- Abounds in rituals and traditions
- Shares a spiritual core
- Respects the privacy of one another
- Values service to others
- Admits to and seeks help with problems
How do nurses contribut to family health?
- Assess and appraise family meanings of health
- Determin family strengths and capabilites
- Educate families about health and healthy living
- Facilitate use of health resources
- Foster active involvment of families in health communities
What are some characteristics that make families diverse?
- Race, ethnicity, and religion
- Immigration
- Experiences and the resurgence of ethnic identity and pride
- Generational differences
- Language
- Class and economic status
- Residence and regional differences
- Family forms
What is family diversity about?
It is about recognizing and embracing the uniqueness of each family.
What does the nurse examine when caring for families?
Examines individual diversity and how family diversity influences the individual and vise versa (reciprocity)
- The family is transmitter of cultural practices and traditions
- Culture and family affect health status and health behaviours
What are the different types/structure of families?
- Nuclear family
- Same sex family
- Dual career family
- Nuclear-dyad family
- Extended family
- Single parent family
- Blended family
- Cohabiting family
- Communal family
Nuclear Family
Husband and wife who are married whith biological or adopted children.
Same Sex Family
A married or cohabiting couple of the same sex living together with or without children.
Dual Career Family
Both parites pursue active carreers- a relationship of equal power and decision making and shared economic and domestic responsibility- may not always be the case.
Nuclear-Dyad Family
A married couple without children (no children or children have left home).
Extended Family
Network of relatives of the nuclear family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.
Single Parent Family
A father or mother living alone with biological or adopted children.
Blended Family
Husband and wife, one or both of whom were previously married, living with children from previous marriages and/or children from the new union.
Cohabiting Family
Unmarried couple living together, with or without children.
Communal Family
An intimate network of unrelated adults and their children who make a commitment to live together.
What is the family’s influence on health?
- Establish health-promoting behaviours
- Define illness
- Confirm the validity of the sick role
- Initate treatment
- Influence outcomes
How do families and health relate?
- The family is still society’s transmitter of cultural practices and traditions
- The family is where health promotion and disease prevention take palce
- In nursing families, the nurse examines individual health and how family health influences the individual and vice versa (reciprocity)
- Changing demographics mean more health care will take place in the family, in the community
- Early discharge, home care options, families are onften asked to be caregivers
What is family nursing practice?
Active collaboration with both individuals and the family unit to supprot optimal levels of health and well-being.
- West and Jacubeck, 2014
What are the four approaches to family nursing practice?
- Family context (individual as client)
- Family aunit as client/patient
- Family systems nursing
- Family groups in society
What is family centred care?
A philosophy embraced by most care organizations globally and promoted by policy makers and nurse leaders.
- Unclear how this philosophy is enacted in practice consistently.
- Current environment might cuase a disconnect between the expectations of a family and the ability of the nurse to meet these expectations.