Learning Environment Flashcards
guidelines for routines
behavior expectations, have consequences
Self-fulfilling prophecy
teachers get what they expect from students
Heterogeneous Grouping (Slavin)
recommended for coop learning
With-it-ness (Kounin)
knowing what’s happening in classroom
Overlapping (Kounin)
multitasking as teacher
Group alerting (Kounin)
keeping students’ attention
Momentum (Kounin)
moving briskly through leson
Smoothness (Kounin)
making transitions
Ripple effect (Kounin)
correcting one corrects ‘em all
Preconventional Stage 1 (Kohlberg)
0-9 Punishment-Obdience: How can I avoid punishment
Preconventional Stage 2 (Kohlberg)
0-9 Instrumental-Relativist: what’s in it for me
Conventional Stage 3 (Kohlberg)
10-15 Good Boy-Nice Girl: how can I be a good boy or girl
Conventional Stage 4 (Kohlberg)
10-15 Law-Order (respects their authoritah): I should follow rules to maintain a harmonious society
Postconventional Stage 5 (Kohlberg)
16-on Social Contract: rules are agreed upon by the residents of a state and should therefore be followed…most
Of the time ;) (agreed-upon rules, questionable)
Postconventional Stage 6 (Kohlberg)
16-on Universal Ethical: there is such thing as Good beyond the law
Erik Erikson’s Stages of 8 Dev
Stage 1, they are Trust vs. mistrust (Stage 1 is 0 to 1 ½ years of age), Autonomy vs. shame (Stage 2 is 1 ½ to 3 years of age), Initiative vs. guilt (Stage 3 is 3 to 5 years of age), Industry vs. inferiority (Stage 4 is 5 to 12 years of age), Ego identity vs. role confusion (Stage 5 is 12 to 18 years of age), Intimacy vs. isolation (Stage 6 is 18 to 40 years of age), Generativity vs. stagnation (Stage 7 is 40 to 65 years of age), and Ego integrity vs. despair (Stage 8 is 65+ years of age)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
(1) Physiological; (2) safety; (3) Belonging & love; (4) Esteem; (5) self-actualization
Deficiency Needs
1-4 of Mas’s Hierarchy: no learning motivation without them
Erikson’s 1st life-stage
Hope: 0-18 months: Trust vs. Mistrust; depends on the quality of the maternal relationship
Erikson’s 2nd life-stage
Will: 1-3 years: Autonomy vs. Shame; parents must facilitate the child’s sense of doing basic tasks “all by himself/herself.”
Erikson’s 3rd life-stage
Purpose: 3-6 years: Initiative vs. Guilt; most guilt is quickly compensated by a sense of accomplishment.
Erikson’s 4th life-stage
Competence: Industry vs. Inferiority: 6-11 years; Child can recognize major disparities in personal abilities relative to other children. Erikson places some emphasis on the teacher
Erikson’s 5th life-stage
Fidelity: 12-18 years Identity vs. Role Confusion; If the parents continually push him/her to conform to their views, the teen will face identity confusion.
Erikson’s 6th life-stage
Love: 18-35: Intimacy vs. Isolation; those who fail to form lasting relationships may feel isolated and alone.
Erikson’s 7th life-stage
Care: 35-64: Generativity vs. Stagnation; either making progress in their career or treading lightly in their career and unsure if this is what they want to do for the rest of their working lives
Erikson’s 8th life-stage
Wisdom: 65+: Ego Integrity vs. Despair; Ego-integrity means the acceptance of life in its fullness: the victories and the defeats, what was accomplished and what was not accomplished