Assessment Flashcards
the consistency of a measurement over time and repeated measurements
does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?
Competency Test
Competency tests are used to determine if students are proficient in basic skills. These skills include reading and writing
Diagnostic Test
Diagnostic assessments are used to assess student understanding. It may be used in a group setting. It may also be used when a student is showing signs of trouble. Usually only for some students, not all
A pretest is a type of diagnostic assessment
Standardized Test
Either norm-referenced or criterion-referenced
students are compared to sample group usually by age
comparing student performance to predetermined level of mastery
Standard Deviation
measure of dispersion around the mean; increases based on greater data set spread
IQR (interquartile range)
Q3-Q1: contains the center 50 perecnt
tells you the raw score’s distance from the mean in terms of standard deviations
score derived from percentiles, based on 0-9 where 5 is the middle interval
Grade Equivalent Score
student’s performance compared to performance of an average student at a specified grade level (Grade.Month, so K.0-12.9). So 6.2 for a 4th grader means same average score as a 6th grader in the 2nd month of school, not that the 4th grader is ready for 6th grade
Effect Size
difference between the increased or decreased achievement of an experimental group in SD
Screening Assessment
given 3 times per year (beginning, middle, end) to everyone; allow for differentiated instruction
Progress Monitoring Assessments
high frequency for Tier 2 and 3; sensitive to small changes in academic performance; occur routinely
Level of Risk
assessed based on diff between student and peers
Outcome Assessments
End of year statewide summative assessment;
Statewide Standardized Assessment Program has how many levels?
5 (1 lowest, 5 highest)
Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP) is needed when
Students score 1 or 2 on their statewide assessments
Authentic assessment
incorporates real-life application tasks; more likely to produce validity than traditional assessment
Traditional assessment
test, quizzes, etc. Can encourage guessing, hard to put together
Homework should be about X minutes multiplied by the student’s grade level
High schoolers can usually do about X-X hours of HW a week
7-15 lol
Manifest determination review
When a student with a disability commits an infraction, it may be necessary to determine whether the actions were a result of the disability. This is known as manifest determination review.