Instructional Design & Planning Flashcards
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Multi-Tiered System of Supports: 1 Universal, Large Group; 2 Targeted, Small Group; 3 Intensive, one-on-one
Deciding what, why, when, how to teach
Mentally review lesson from STUDENT POV
Objectives should have…
actions, conditions, level of mastery
Common Core Standards
Subset of Standards: content, knowledge, skills students must learn
Task analysis
Identifying what prior knowledge students must have to achieve objective
Domain’s of B’s Taxonomy
(1) Cognitive; (2) Affective Domain; (3) Psychomotor
Affective Domain: Receiving (Know.)
open to stimuli, acknowledge phenomenon is taking place
Affective Domain: Responding (Comp.)
reacting to stimulus
Affective Domain: Valuing (App.)
accepting ideas; internalizing
Affective Domain: Organizing (Anal.)
classifying & ordering values
Affective Domain: Internalizing (Synth.)
committing to attitudes/beliefs, “buying in”
Psychomotor Domain: Generic Movement (Know.)
perception of body positions, movement to achieve skill
Psychomotor Domain: Ordinate Movement (Comp.)
organizing, refining, performing movement; precision
Psychomotor Domain: Creative Movement (App.)
creation of movement unique to performer
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
(1) Recall; (2) Skill/Concepts, Simple; (3) Strategic Thinking, Complex Reasoning; (4) Extending Thinking, Complex Reasoning
Webb’s DOK Level 1
Recall: Students answer how, what, when, and where questions
Webb’s DOK Level 2
Skill/Concept: compare, contrast, classify, summarize, estimate or organize
Webb’s DOK Level 3
Strategic Reasoning: draw conclusions, make predictions, interpret and elaborate
Webb’s DOK Level 4
Extended Reasoning: create a thesis or draw conclusions from multiple sources, design and conduct experiments, apply information from one situation to another, or research and report on a topic
Kizlik’s Lesson Cycle: (F)(E)(CU)(GP)(C)(IP)
(1) Focus (attention & objectives); (2) Explanation (new info); (3) Check for Understanding (observes and questions); (4) Guided Practice (scaffolds); (5) Closure (wrap-up); (6) Independent Practice (HW)
5E Model
Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend/Elaborate, Evaluate
Positive Interdependence
In co-op learning: everyone’s success depends on individuals in group
Functional play
Birth-2: explore environ.
Symbolic play
2-on objects represent things
Games w/ Rules
School age: agreed upon rules
Onlooker Play
watching, not interacting
Solitary Play
playing alone
Parallel play
play BY others, might mimic
Associative Play
interaction, little joint focus
Cooperative Play
Group play proper
Cephalocaudal progression
head-down development
Proximodistal progression
trunk-out development
Piaget: fitting new info in schema
Piaget: mental structures to “get” the world
Piaget: modifying schema for new info
Piaget: cog conflict –> accom. or assim.
Piaget: getting to equilibrium
Piaget’s 3 Kinds of Knowledge
physical, logical-mathematical, social
Sensorimotor Phase (Piaget)
dev object permanence
Preoperational phase (Piaget)
egocentric, lack reversibility, lack conservation
Concrete Operational
can decenter POV; class inclusion (understand whole’s relation to parts); seriation (arrange objects in order); transitivity
Formal Operational
abstract concepts, reasoning; premise-based thought
Heteronomous Moral Dev
Rules = unbreakable
Autonomous Moral Dev
Rules= challenge-able
came up with scaffolding, though Vyg thought of it kinda
Enactive Mode (Bruner)
learning through env. interaction
Iconic Mode (Bruner)
learn through images
Symbolic Mode (Bruner)
learn through symbols, words
Self-Reg (Vygotsky)
solve problems on own, no help
Private Speech (Vyg)
self-talk, self-monitoring
Zone of Prox Dev (Vyg)
gap btw current level & potential
Scaffolding (Vyg or Brun?)
using cues, modeling, examples, etc.
Right-brain (Kagan)
global, inductive
Left-brain (Kagan)
analytic, deductive
Modality Preferences
visual, auditory, tactile/kin)
Field Dependent
perceive objects as a whole rather than parts (right brain)
Field Independent
perceive objects without being influenced by background (left brain)
Concrete Learner (Gregorc)
learn through phys experience
Abstract learner (Gregorc)
learn through symbols
Random Organizers (Gregorc)
chunk info randomly
Sequential Organizers (Gregorc)
linear organization to info
Multiple Intelligences (8) (Gardner)
verbal; logical-math; visual-spat; body-kin; musical-rhythm; intrapersonal; interpersonal; naturalistic
people generate knowledge and meaning through interactions between their experiences and their ideas. Zone of proximal development, scaffolding, discovery learning, and problem-based learning are all concepts associated with constructivism.
Ongoing Progress Monitoring
for MTSS
Blended Learning
Course is part in class, part online
Psychomotor’s SEVEN subcategories?? (P)(S)(GR)(M)(COR)(A)(O)
Perception (applying sensory information to motor activity), set (readiness to act), guided response (ability to imitate a shown behavior), mechanism (ability to change a learned response into habitual actions), complex overt response (ability to carry out complex action patterns), adaptation (ability to change learned skills to meet particular events), and origination (making new patterns for a given situation).
Psychomotor Learning Goals
In regards to the category of physical abilities, learning objectives relate to endurance, strength, flexibility, agility, reaction-response time, and dexterity.
Jon Dewey proposed XYZ (3 words)
Learning through experience. He promoted individuality, free activity, and learning through experience. Programs based on his theories feature project-based learning, cooperative learning, and arts integration activities. He wants schools to teach children to be problem-solvers by helping them learn to think rather than focus on content. He advocated students as decision-makers about what they will learn and teachers’ rights to academic autonomy.
Albert Bruner proposed XYZ learning
Observational. Also scaffolding apparently?
Erik Erikson proposed XYZ stages of human development
Carol Gilligan proposed Stages of XYZ
Ethic Care
Components of Bandura’s Theory of Social Learning
attention, retention, motor reproduction and motivation