Continuous Improvement Flashcards
Individual Professional Development Plan: all principals must have one for each teacher
Four strands of FL’s Professional Development System Evaluaiton Protocol 2010?
planning; learning; implementing; evaluating
Individual Needs Assessment
Precedes IPDP to make sure teachers are thinking about their students for they PD
split data up by age range, subject, e.g.
Admin review
after looking over data but before IPDP is formed, talk to principal
Learning community
professional learning community meets on reg reviews student data, talks about how to achieve group goals
Lesson Study Group
PLC talks about lesson planning via the Lesson Study Cycle (plan, teach, observe, debrief, reteach, reflect)
Time resources standard
Teachers must have at least 30 hours of in-school time per year designated for professional learning
Coordinated Record Keeping
How much PD have you done? 1 hour of PD = 1 in-service point; 1 semester hour of college credit = 20 in-service points; 1/4 hour of college credit = 13 1/3 in-service points
Changes in Student Standard
teachesr must show that PD had a postiive impact on student achievement gains via measurements
Professional certificates are valid for XYZ years
Teachers must earn the equivalent of a minimum of XYZ in-service points during each renewal period
Teachers must earn at least XYZ in-service points in the specialization area
At least XYZ % of a teacher’s evaluation must be based on student test scores unless XYZ years of data are not available, at which point the number changes to XYZ %
50%, 3 years, 40%
EP team
group of individuals who make decisions about the ESE services provided to students identified as gifted
IEP team
makes decisions about accommodations or modifications for a student with a disability: parents, regular ed teacher, special ed teacher; rep of school, ind who can interpret eval results, student(if appropriate), and anyone else invited.
504 team
Also for students with disabilities but without the parents?
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
state-mandated goals of school
Child Abuse Report
you shouldn’t investigate before filing, and your name will be anonymous on it
In 1990, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) superseded the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975. IDEA has been amended several times, most recently in 2004. IDEA lays out several provisions for special education services that all teachers must be aware of, regardless of whether they teach special education themselves.
No Child Left Behind 2001
“Stronger accountability for results, more freedom for states and communities, proven education methods, and more choices for parents”
McKinney-Vento Act
Districts must ensure that homeless children are not segregated or stigmatized due to their homelessness
Nabonzny vs Podlesny
In this case, the court found that such harassment is a precursor to more severe forms of violence. As such, schools must take reasonable steps to prevent such harassment.
Due Process
Due process can be found in both the 5th and 14th amendment. Due process guarantees that any and all legal proceedings must be fair. Due process guarantees a person the right to be heard before the government takes action. It has TWO subcategories. They are substantive due process and procedural due process.
Compulsory school attendance laws apply to all children between X years and Y years
6 and 16
Teachers get X days of sick leave as of the first day of employment of each contract year and thereafter earn Y day of sick leave each month of employment
4, 1
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943)
Students can’t be force to say pledge of alleg
Brown vs Board of Ed (1954)
Separate but equal struck down
Engel v Vitale (1962)
School prayer unconstitutional
Chapter 1 of Elementary and Secondary Ed Act of 1965
Addressing inequality of ed for poor kids
Epperson v Arkansas 1968
can’t prohibit evolution lessons
Pickering v Board of Ed 1968
teachers have free speech in public concerns
Tinker v Des Moines Independent Community District 1969
students have right to free expression
Title IX 1972
no sex discrimination in school
Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973
can’t discriminate against students with disabilities
FERPA 1974
protects privacy of student records
Tomerlin v Dad School Board 1975
FL teachers held to “high moral standard”
Ed of All Handicapped Children Act 1975
children w/ disabilities get free pub education
Adams v State Professional Practices Council 1981
high moral standard for teachers
Anderson v Evans 1981
limits teachers’ free speech
Castaneda v Pickard
schools must have theories for educating Limited English Proficient students, must implement theories, must evaluate results
Plyler v Doe 1982
can’t deny illegal immigrants
FEEA 1984
can’t discriminate against students in Fl
New Jersey v TLO 1985
schools can search kids
Bethel School District v Fraser
can punish students for being obscene
Hazelwood School District v Kuhlmeier 1988
schools can censor free speech
Virgil v School Board of Columbia County 1989
can remove offensive book from curriculum
Americans w/ Disabilities Act 1990
no discrim against disabled
LULAC v FL Board of Ed
schools must have equal access for ESOL kids
Lee v Weisman
no prayer!
IDEA 1997, 2004
mandates on kids with disabilities
McKinnery-Vento Act 2001-2003
homeless kids get ed
1st Amendment
sep of church and state
IV Amendment
no unreasonable search and seizure
X Amendment
puts ed at state and local levels
XIV Amendment
guarantees due process