Learning Flashcards
Define learning
a process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in an organism’s behavior or capabilities
What are the types of basic learning processes
Non-associative learning
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Observational learning
What is non-associative learning and classical conditioning
Non-associative learning - response to repeated stimuli
Classical conditioning - learning what events signal
What is Operant conditioning
and Observational learning
Operant conditioning - learning one thing leads to another
Observational learning - learning from others
What is habituation
Decrease in the strength of a response to a repeated stimulus
What is sensitisation
Increase in the strength of response to a repeated stimulus
What is an unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
A stimulus that elicits a reflexive or innate response (the UCR) without prior learning
What is a conditioned stimulus (CS)
A stimulus that, through association with a UCS, comes to elicit a conditioned response similar to the original UCR
What is an unconditioned response (UCR)
A reflexive or innate response that is elicited by a stimulus (the UCS) without prior learning
What is a conditioned response (CR)
A response elicited by a conditioned stimulus
When is classical conditioning strongest
There are repeated CS-UCS pairings
The UCS is more intense
The sequence involves forward pairing (i.e. CS -> UCS)
The time interval between the CS and UCS is short
Describe the extinction of conditioning
CR remains as long as there is CS-UCS pairings
When there is a CS alone, the CR/effect becomes smaller
What is stimulus generalisation
A tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar, but not identical , to a conditioned stimulus
Describe the differences in response with stimulus generalisation
Similar stimuli will also elicit the CR, but in a weaker form
500Hz tone elicits the CR, tones of similar frequency will also elicit CR, the closer the tone to the original the stronger the response
What is stimulus discrimination
The ability to respond differently to various stimuli
What is Thorndike’s law of effect
A response followed by a satisfying consequence will be more likely to occur
A response followed by an aversive consequence will become less likely to occur
What is Operant conditioning
Behaviour is learned and maintained by it’s consequences
What is positive reinforcement
occurs when a response is strengthened by the subsequent presentation of a reinforcer
Compare primary to secondary reinforcers
Primary Reinforcers: those needed for survival e.g. food, water, sleep, sex
Secondary Reinforcers: stimuli that acquire reinforcing properties through their association with primary reinforcers e.g. money, praise
What is negative reinforcement
occurs when a response is strengthened by the removal (or avoidance) of an aversive stimulus
What is the negative reinforcer
the aversive stimulus that is removed or avoided (e.g. the use of painkillers are
reinforced by removing pain)
What is positive punishment
occurs when a response is weakened by the presentation of a stimulus (e.g. squirting a cat with water when it jumps on dining table)
What is negative punishment
occurs when a response is weakened by the removal of a stimulus (e.g. phone confiscated)
Compare reinforcement than punishment
Skinner maintained that reinforcement is a much more potent influence on behaviour than punishment
Largely because punishment can only make certain responses less frequent – you cant teach new behaviour
Describe reinforcement schedules and effect
Continuous reinforcement produces more rapid learning than partial reinforcement
Continuously reinforced responses extinguish more rapidly than partially reinforced responses
What are the types of reinforcement schedules
Fixed interval schedule - occurs after a fixed time interval
Variable interval schedule - varies at random around an average
Fixed ratio schedule - given after a fixed no. of responses
Variable ratio schedule - Given after a variable number of responses, centred around an average
Describe Bandura’s cognitive approach
Bandura believes that humans are active information processors and think about the relationship between their behaviour and its consequences
Social imitation may hasten or short-cut the acquisition of new behaviours without the necessity of reinforcing
What is the social learning theory
We observe the behaviours of others and the consequences of those behaviours.
Vicarious reinforcement - If their behaviours are reinforced we tend to imitate the behaviours
Describe modelling or observational learning
Occurs by watching and imitating actions of another person, or by noting consequences of a person’s actions (Occurs before direct practice is allowed)
What leads to successful modelling
Pay attention to model
Remember what was done
Must be able to reproduce modeled behaviour
If successful or behavior is rewarded, behavior more likely to recur
When are people more likely to imitate others’ behaviour
Seen to be rewarded
High status (e.g. Medical consultant)
Similar to us (e.g. colleagues)
Friendly (e.g. peers)