Learning 2 Flashcards
What is Cognitive learning and it’s steps
Cognitive learning is a gestaltist approach. Whole skill is performed.
Involves problem solving
Previous experience is used
What is a schema
Schemes are motor programs which can be adapted easily. Thy are developed by past experiences.
Intervening variables
Intervening variable is time between receiving problem and working out solution and the process of working out solution.
What is bandura theory/social learning theory about learning
Bandura theorised that people learn by observing others and this was contrary to behaviourist theories.
What are factors affecting copying of demonstration
Factors affecting copying of demonstration include:
Role model,
When is a demonstration effective
Demonstration is effective when it’s relevant, accurate and status of model. If person respects model more, then they will pay more attention.
Physical and mental readiness.
Describe bandura ‘s model
Bandura’s model goes Attention Retention Motor reproduction Motivation
How do athletes retain demonstration
Demonstration is retained as mental image thus clarity of image is significant.
Brightness - image is retained better if model is bright.
Performer can mentally rehearse. Better retained if verbal guidance
When does motor reproduction work
Motor reproduction works when:
Athlete must be physically and mentally ready.
Helps if athlete have understanding of skill.
When athletes are producing skill, they need feedback
What is attention and what is it affected by
Attention is that performer must pay attention to demonstration and focus on important cues (cueing). Attention is perceptual.
It is affected by perceived attractiveness of model, competence of model, status of model.
What is psychomotor
psychomotor means they translate info from image into reproducing movement skill as a physical pattern and being motivated to repeat.
What is retention and what can it be improved by
Retention means observer must be able to remember model that is presented to create a mental picture of behaviour.
Mental rehearsal can improve retention of mental image.
Motor reproduction
Motor reproduction is when learner attempts to copy movement. Performer must be physically able to perform skill
What is motivation
Motivation is Performer must be motivated to watch demonstration and copy it.
Strengths of social learning theory
Strengths of social theory include
Very applicable to sporting situations - imitation of motor skills occurs a lot when observing athletes.
Able athletes often used as method of coaching
Can motivate performer if role model is looked up to.
Weaknesses of social learning theory
Weaknesses include: if demonstration is incorrect, performer may create wrong mental image
May demotivate performer is role models behaviour is too complex
What are dis adv of cognitive learning
Did adv of cognitive learning are:
Skills may be too complex e.g tennis serve
Skill may be too dangerous e.g tumbling routine