Learning Flashcards
timing of the pairing, NS/CS must be presented .5-1 sec before the US
process of learning the response pairing
previously conditioned response dies out over time
spontaneous recovery
after a period of time the CR comes back out of nowhere
CR to like stimuli
(similar sounding bell)
CR to ONLY that CS
9only salivating to that specific bell
contingency model
-rescorla and wagner
-classical conditioning involves cognitive processes
conditiond taste aversion
-John Garcia
-innate predispositions can allow classical conditioning to occur in one trial (food poisoning)
John Watson
-father of behaviorism
-little Albert
-conditioned a fear in a baby
-eventually leads to behavioral treatments for fear (counterconditioning)
Law of effect
-behaviors followed by a positive outcome are strengthened, negative outcomes are weakened
(cat in puzzle box)
overjustification effect
reinforcing behaviors that are intrinsically motivating causes you to stop doing them
(give a child $5 to read when they already like reading - they stop reading)
fixed ratio
reward every X number of responses
(every 10 enveloped stuffed = $$)
fixed interval
reward every X amount of time passed
(every 2 weeks get a paycheck)
variable ratio
rewarded after a random number of responses machine
variable interval
rewarded after a random amount of time has passed (fishing)
latent learning
-learning is hidden until useful
(rats in maze get rewarded half way through, performance improved)
cognitive maps
mental representation of an area, allows navigation if blocked
insight learning
-some learning is through simple intuition
(chimps with crates learning to get bananas)
learned helplessness
no matter what you do, you never get a positive outcome so you just give up
(word scrambles)