Learning Flashcards
What are the 2 associative Laws
- Law of Readiness (Motivation)
- Early Law of Exercices
Connections are strengthened by exercices
What are examples of publicly accessible data?
- lever presses
- GSR (galvanic skin response)
- fMRI
- Report of dreams…
What is the effect of Positive Reinforcement
a reward following a response strengthens the response tendency
The notion of reinforcement can be ______
What is the effect of punishment on learning
an aversive stimulus weakens that response
How does avoidance shape learning
Avoidance leads to respond to eliminate a potential bad event and that association is strengthened
How does omission influence learning
Omission leads to the weakening of responses that eliminate a positive event
What famous experiment is an example of classical conditioning
Pavlov’s dog experiment!
What are examples of Operant Conditioning or instrumental conditioning
A rat that learn to run down a maze or press a lever to get food
How to describe the phenomenon of extinction in the Pavlov experiment and what explains it
the salivary reflex fades with time, but a spontaneous recovery occurs after 20 min. This may be explained by inhibition which has the opposite motivational properties to excitement
How does a conditioned inhibition experiment occur
Train to understand that a tool will signal that something won’t happen. For example, a metronome tuned with a tone tells the dog that the expected food won’t occur, but the tone alone leads to food.
So animal learns discrimination between tone→food and tone+metronome → ∅ food
drug addiction is _____
learning is about _______ ______ and not reinforcement
information processing
What do S-S and S-R stand for
S-S : shock-shock intervals
S-R : Stimuli and response
What do CS US UR CR stand for
CS: conditional stimulus
US: unconditional stimulus
UR: unconditional response
CR: conditional responde
Describe Pavlov experiment according to abbreviations
CS → US → UR
Tone → food → salivation
What are the SS association and SR association in the Pavloc experiment
Tone → Food
Discriminative stimulus → response : running
Tone → Salivation
Discriminative stimulus → reward
What is latent learning and what did the rat create 🔟
give reward only after a certain amount of trials (10 for instance).
The rats after many trials demonstrated the knowledge of a cognitive map.
Those latent reward rat did even better than the always rewarded group of rat