Learn Spanish. 1st Grammar Workbook. Chapter 8 Flashcards
Saber and Conocer
to know. It´s used when we are talking about knowing facts, information, and skills.
I know (saber)
yo sé
(yoh seh)
I don´t know (saber)
no sé
(noh seh)
you (sing, inf) know (saber)
tú sabes
(too SAH-behs)
he knows (saber)
él sabe
(ehl SAH-beh)
she knows (saber)
ella sabe
(EH-yah SAH-beh)
you (sing, formal) know (saber)
usted sabe
(oos-TEHD SAH-beh)
we (masculine) know (saber)
nosotros sabemos
we (feminine) know (saber)
nosotras sabemos
you (inf, plural, masculine) know (saber)
vosotros sabéis
you (inf, plural, feminine) know (saber)
vosotras sabéis
you (inf, formal, plural) know (saber)
ustedes saben
they (masculine) know (saber)
ellos saben
they (feminine) know (saber)
ellas saben
the poem
el poema
Does Elena know that poem?
¿Elena sabe ese poema?
Peter and Joseph know German.
Pedro y José saben alemán.
to know. When talking about knowing certain people, place, or things. When know refers to being familiar or being acquainted with something or someone.
Also, it means “to meet”
I know (conocer)
yo conozco
(yoh koh-NOHS-koh)
I don´t know (conocer)
no conozco
(noh koh-NOHS-koh)
you (sing, inf) know (conocer)
tú conoces
(too koh-NOH-sehs)
he knows (conocer)
él conoce
she knows (conocer)
ella conoce
you (sing, formal) know (conocer)
usted conoce
we (masculine) know (conocer)
nosotros conocemos
we (feminine) know (conocer)
nosotras conosemos
you (inf, plural, masculine) know (conocer)
vosotros conocéis
you (inf, plural, feminine) know (conocer)
vosotras conocéis
you (inf, formal, plural) know (conocer)
ustedes conocen
they (masculine) know (conocer)
ellos conocen
they (feminine) know (conocer)
ellas conocen
Elena and Pedro know the professor (feminine).
Elena y Pedro conocen a la profesora.
He knows the tourist.
Él conoce al turista.
I know the house.
Yo conozco la casa.
the south
el sur
until, up to, as far as
the rule
la regla
Thomas knows the south of Spain.
Tomás conoce el sur de España.
the cousin
el primo, la prima
My cousins know five languages.
Mis primos saben cinco idiomas.
the road
el camino
the world
el mundo
the country
el país
the boyfriend
el novio
the girlfriend
la novia
My father knows my boyfriend.
Mi padre conoce a mi novio.
You (inf, sing) and Patricia know Miss Marti.
Tú y Patricia conocéis a la señorita Martí.
to swim
to dance
to sing
to do artistic gymnastics
hacer gimnasia artística
the gymnastics
la gimnasia
to play tennis
jugar al tenis
(hoo-GAHR ahl TEH-nees)
to play the piano
tocar el piano
(toh-KAHR ehl PYAH-noh)
to play golf
jugar al golf
(hoo-GAHR ahl gohlf)
to play soccer (Note: give two possible options)
- jugar al fútbol
(hoo-GAHR ahl FOOT-bohl) - practicar fútbol
to play basketball
jugar al baloncesto
(hoo-GAHR ahl bah-lohn-SEHS-toh)
to write novels
escribir novelas
(ehs-kree-BEER noh-BEH-lahs)
to speak, to talk
to act
Shakira knows how to dance.
Shakira sabe bailar.
Merys Streep knows how to act.
Merys Streep sabe actuar.
the area
la área
business, commercial
the director
el director, la directora
still, yet
the computer
la computadora
the response, the answer
la respuesta
the name, the first name
el nombre