LD 40 Flashcards
Possession of a Prohibited Weapon
- any person who manufactures
- or causes to be manufactured
- imports into the state
- sells, offers, exposes, keeps, gives, lends
- any weapon that is prohibited
- Felony
Rifles and shot guns
Are prohibited weapons if the overall length is more than 26”
- Shotgun barrel: no longer than 18”
- Rifle barrel: no longer than 16”
Unrecognizable/Undetectable Firearms
Felony (prohibited)
- pen gun
- belt buckle gun
- can gun
- wallet gun
Blade weapons
Felony (prohibited)
- ballistic knife (propelled by coil or spring)
- shuriken
- shobi-zue
- undetectable knife
- Unrecognizable blade
Dirk or dagger
Felony (prohibited)
-mere possession is not a crime, it has to be concealed to be a crime
Striking Weapons
Felony (prohinited)
- nunchak
- metal knuckles
- leaded cane
- slung shot
Other Prohibited weapons
- multi burst trigger activator (possession alone is a crime)
- large capacity magazines
Switch blade knife
Any person who possesses
- on ones person,
- in a vehicle in a public place,
- sells, offers/exposes for sale
- loans or gives away
- a switchblade longer than 2”
- Misdemeanor
- not a crime on private property
Tear gas
Any person who knowingly possesses, sells, offers, transports, any prohibited tear gas or tear gas weapon except when otherwise permitted
- Misdemeanor
- if used for any reason other than self defense it’s a felony
Permitted use of Tear Gas
-in an aerosol spray form of no more than 2.5 ounces
May Never Have Tear Gas If:
- convicted felon or crime involving assault
- addicted to narcotics
- attempt sell of product
- under 16
- under 17 w/o parent consent and parent present
Carrying a loaded firearm
is a Misdemeanor
It is a felony if :
- prior felony convictions
- knew it was stolen
- gang member
- is not in lawful possession
- convicted of crime against person/property
- not the registered owner
Altering Id marks on a firearm
-making any ID changes to firearm without approval from DOJ
(Ex. Name of make, model, manufacturers number)
*ok to add numbers but never remove
*knowledge of change and buying, selling, receiving, disposing of is a Misdemeanor
Concealable firearm
Any device designed to be used as a weapon that has a barrel less than 16”
*even if it is not concealed if it meets these elements it is considered a concealable weapon
Carry Concealed weapon
- individuals must prove they are residents
- of good moral character
- good cause exist to be issued a license
- completed specified training
Exemptions to a CCW
If you are over 18 and reside in CA and are not prohibited by law (convicted felon etc) you may WITHOUT a permit
- purchase, own, carry, or conceal a legally concealable weapon in your
- residence
- business
- or on private property
Transporting firearm without CCW
- locked in trunk
- in a locked container
- being carried to or from vehicle in a locked container for a lawful purpose
Juveniles convicted of violent offenses
May not own, possess, have custody or control any firearm until the age of 30
Probationers and people under restraining orders
May not posses friearm
Persons convicted of specified misdemeanors
Assualt, battery, adw, spousal abuse, stalking
- may not posses a firearm within 10 years of the conviction
- felony
School safety zone
Its a felony to posses a firearm in a school zone without written permission from the school district superintendent
-residence or business not apart of the school
Within 1000 feet
-or unloaded firearm locked in a secure location or trunk of vehicle
-peace officers, military on duty,
*playgrounds/youth center
Unlawful possession of a concealable firearm
is a Misdemeanor
It is a felony if :
- prior felony convictions
- knew it was stolen
- gang member
- is not in lawful possession
- convicted of crime against person/property
- not the registered owner
- ammunition is in immediate possession
- must be concealed
Drawing, exhibiting, or unlawful use of a deadly weapon (not a firearm)
Is a misdemeanor if done in any other way than for self defense
*injury or assault not required
Drawing or exhibiting or unlawful use of a firearm (misdemeanor)
Any person while in the presence of another draws or exhibits for any reason other than self defense in a rude, angry or threatening manner is a misdemeanor
- driver or owner who permits a person to carry or bring into a vehicle is a misdemeanor
- imitation firearm
Drawing and exhibiting or unlawful use of a firearm (felony)
- grounds of any day care center is a felony
- in the presence of a peace officer is a felony
- in a motor vehicle on a public street
Laser Scopes
Laser scope and laser pointer
- any person who aims, points, except in self defense in a threatening manner with intent to cause fear
- doesnt have to be attached
Unlawfully discharging a firearm
Recklessly discharging a firearm and disregarding the safety of others is a FELONY