LD 2 Flashcards
3 Branches Of Government
3 components of the criminal justice system
law enforcement
CJ system gives law enforcement two extraordinary powers
Power to arrest
power to use deadly force
4th Amendment
Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures
5th Amendment
Protection against double jeopardy and self incrimination
6th Amendment
Right to a public and speedy trial
unbiased jury
to be told of the charges
to counsel
8th Amendment
Freedom from excessive bail and
cruel and unusual punishment
14th Amendment
Basic rights and freedoms to all people in the US citizen or not
-Due process
7 Primary Goals Of the CJ System
Guarantee due process Prevent crime Protect life and liberty Uphold and enforce the law Dispense equal justice Apprehend Offenders Assure victims rights
Federal Agencies
Homeland Security FBI DEA U.S Marshal Service ICE Secret Service Armed forces US postal inspection Alcohol, Tobacco, and firearms division
State Agencies
CHP youth and adult correctional agency Dept of alcoholic beverage control (ABC) Dept. of fish and game (DOF) Dep. of forestry and fire protection (F&G) Dept of Justice (DOJ) Dep. of Insurance (DOI) DMV
Lower Trial Court
Receive evidence and consider cases involving criminal activity or civil disputes
Higher Appellate Courts
Hear appeals from the lower court
Administer justice in a fair and impartial manner by applying the facts of the law
Legal procedure where the court informs defendants of the
charges against them
eligibility for bail
their constitutional rights
Preliminary Hearing
A screening procedure used in felony cases to determine if there is enough evidence to hold a defendant for trial
The objective of the judicial component of the CJ system
providing due process of the law
rendering fair judgement
dispensing just punishment
assuring victims rights
4 Objectives of the corrections components of the CJ system
confining prisoners
rehabilitating prisoners
supervising parolees and probationers
assuring victims rights
a conditional release from a state prison which allows an individual to serve the remainder of a sentence
-imposed by an administrative board at a parole hearing
Parole Conditions
- Cant travel more than 50 miles from their residence w/o approval
- cant leave the county for more than 48 hours
- 72 hours to inform the PO of any changes in employment
a sentencing option for an individual convicted of a criminal offense
-imposed at the courts discretion
conditions of probation
may have to
- serve time in jail vs prison
- pay a fine
- participate on work projects
- submit to drug test and warrantless searches