Lateral Cervical aka Posterior Triangle of neck Flashcards
Define the boarders of the posterior triangle
Ascending trapezius
Inferior belly of omohyoid
Describe the pathway of CN XI through posterior triangle
passes deep to SCM,
runs on the levator scapulae
disappears to anterior boarder of trap.
What physical symptoms would be associated with CNXI damage?
Weakness turning the head to the opposite side against resistance. (unilateral paralysis of trapezius)
Drooping shoulders
What is torticollis
is a contraction of the cervical muscles that produces a twisted neck.
Most common is a fibrous tissue tumor that developed in the SCM, causes head to tilt toward and face to turn away from the affected side.
Can also occur during childbirth and can cause CNXI dmg.
Where is the phrenic nerve?
It courses anterior to the anterior scalene muscle
What happens if the phrenic nerve is severed?
Ipsilateral paralysis of diaphragm. sometimes only partially due to some people having an accessory phrenic nerve.
Name the three trunks of the brachial plexus.
Superior C5/C6 middle C7 and inferior C8/T1
What happens with injury to the superior brachial plexus
Erb-Duchenne palsy. Paralysis of muscles of the shoulder and arm supplied by C5/C6 (deltoid, bicep, brachial is) Upper limb with an adducted shoulder, medially rotated arm and extended elbow.
What separates the subclavian artery and vein?
Anterior scalene muscle
What nerve courses along the anterior scalene muscle?
Phrenic Nerve
What runs between the anterior and middle scalene?
brachial plexus and subclavian a.
From superior to posterior list the structures in the
platysma muscle SCM Omohyoid m. IJV Phrenic Nerve Anterior scalene brachial plexus/subclavian artery middle scalene posterior scalene
What is the difference between the thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct?
The thoracic duct (can also be called the left lymphatic duct) is the largest lymph duct in the body. Collect almost all lymph from the body, except the portion which is drained to the RLD.
What attaches to the lateral lip of the inter tubercular sulcus?
pec major
What attaches to the ‘floor’ of the inter tubercular sulcus?
latissimus dorsi