2.2.1. Posterior Back/Neck Flashcards
What are the muscles that make up the boundaries of the suboccipital triangle?
1) Obliquus capitis superior (superior oblique) 2) Obliquus capitis inferior (inferior oblique) 3) Rectus capitis posterior major And this one is also there, but technically not part of the triangle: 4) Rectus capitis posterior minor
What nerve usually emerges from WITHIN the borders of the suboccipital triangle? What does it do?
Suboccipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C1); supplies the muscles of the suboccipital triangle
What nerve usually emerges INFERIOR to the suboccipital triangle? What does it do?
Greater occipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C2); provides sensation (cutaneous innvervation) to the scalp
Which bony landmark will lead you to the rectus capitis posterior major and the inferior oblique?
The posterior tubercle (spinous process) of C2 (the axis)
What is the origin and insertion of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major?
Origin: Posterior tubercle (spinous process) of C2 (axis) Insertion: Lateral part of the inferior nuchal line
What is the origin and insertion of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor?
Origin: Posterior tubercle of the posterior arch of C1 (atlas) Insertion: Medial part of the inferior nuchal line
What is the origin and insertion of the Obliquus capitis inferior?
Origin: Posterior tubercle of the posterior arch of C2 (axis) Insertion: Transverse process of C1 (atlas)
What is the origin and insertion of Obliquus capitis superior?
Origin: Transverse process of C1 (atlas) Insertion: Occipital bone in between superior and inferior nuchal lines
Which nerve innervates the trapezius?
Spinal Accessory nerve (CN XI)
Which nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid?
Spinal Accessory nerve (CN XI)
Which nerve innervates the splenius?
Posterior ramus of C3 and C4
List the three muscles COVER the suboccipital region (from superficial to deep).
Trapezius, Splenius, and Semispinalis
Identify the landmark.
Foramen magnum
Identify the vertebrae and the numbered landmarks.
C1 (Atlas)
- Posterior arch
- Posterior tubercle of arch
- Transverse process
- Foramen transversarium
- Groove for vertebral artery
Identify the vertebrae and the numbered landmarks.
C2 (axis)
- Dens (odontoid process)
- Spine and bifid spinous process