Later European and Americas Flashcards
. Based off Portrait of nun Juana Inés in study with arm on book. Juana was child prodigy. Convents were one of only places girls could get education, was big supporter of education. Habit is for hermits of St Jerome convent in Mexico City.
Portrait of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, 1750, Miguel Cabrera, oil on canvas
Rococco, shows gardens and pastel colors, Ariel perspective. No straight lines, patron of art is looking up skirt. Commissioned by court member for mistress. Used to be bishop who pushed her on swing. Sculpture shushes to tell mistress to keep relationship secret.
The swing, Fragonard, 1767, oil on canvas.
Inspired by carravagio, uses tenebrism. Center orrey that looks like solar system. Shows lunar society that talks about science. Each face lit up to represent phases of the moon, depends on age. Professor bases on Issac Newton.
The philosopher giving a lecture at the orrey, Joseph weight of Derby, 1763-1765, oil on canvas.
Is exemplem virtuitus, gives moral message, this promptes patriotism. Tripartite, has 3 focal areas. Classical architecture, neoclassical painting. Louis xvi is patron. 3 Horiati men swearing loyalty to family and Rome. About to battle curiati. 3 women with relations to both family’s crying.
Oath of the Horiati, David, 1784, oil on canvas.
Idealized younger woman is painting Marie Antoinette. Rococco glow. Marie got le Brun into art school. Thanks for her. Marie looks at le Brun with admiration.
Self portrait, Le Brun, 1790, oil on canvas.
Goya doesn’t like french occupation of Spain and warfare. Soldiers are shown shooting civilians tued to poles.
Y no hai remedio, from les desastres de la Guerra, plate 15.
Placed in salon but removed bc government thought it encouraged citizens to free themselves. People overthrew king. Liberty is inspiring people to attack french government. Liberty wearing a had worn by freed slaves. Different classes shown and ages. Notre Dame on background.
Liberty leading the people, Delacroix, 1830, oil on canvas.
Based on writing, poem with art. Boat with slaves. Drowned slaves so it looked like an accident and they get insurance money. Handcuffed hands reaching up.
Slave ship, Joseph Turner, 1840, oil on canvas.
Left side represents untouched America. Artist hiding in trees, symbol for him being mix of wild and civilized. Storm. Rt has mands influence. Romanticism? Response to British saying Americans ruined land. Sublime.
The Oxbow, Cole, oil on canvas, 1836.
Contraposto, naturalism. Dresses as a gentleman with military pieces. Made to honor Washington. 13 rods for 13 colonies, Washington leans on them for their support. Arrows represent wild side of America. Plow represents roots and sowing seeds of new nation. Cincinnatus badge like Augustus of prima porta.
George Washington, Houdon, marble, 1788-1792.
Jefferson House home that was designed by Jefferson and inspired by the pantheon. name means Little mountain, symmetrical with French influence and ionic columns
Monticello, virginia, Jefferson, 1768 to 1809, brick glass stone wood
Still life Daguerre type photo, took long time to make, no copies,shiny surface and high contrast
Still life in a studio, Daguerre, 1837, Daguerre type
Realism, satirical illustration in a journal making fun of nadar for thinking photography is a form of art. Darius to fly around Paris in a hot air balloon taking photos, he is shown about to fall out of the balloon.
Nadar raising photography to the height of art, 1862, lipograph, Daunier
Photos of a horse at different stages at a gallop, patron hired artist to settle a bet to see if all four hooves leave ground during a gallop, used zoopraxiscope which was old version of a projector, motion picture photography
The horse in motion, Muybridge, 1878, photograph.
To be displayed in the salon of 1850, used labor and rest movements for better condition for inspiration, was very big which was weird because did not display important people, shows the two age groups to show that once you get into poverty you stay the rest of your life
Courbet, stone breakers, 1849, oil on canvas
Exhibited of salon at 1865, people hated bc Olympia was common prostitute name, wasn’t tasteful. People called her ugly, and compared to Titian’s Venus. Obvious brushwork, stiff pose
Olympia, manet, 1863, oil on canvas
Landscape glorifying Mexican countryside, artists like landscapes, not romantic more realism, velasco preferred romantic, uses good lighting
Valley of Mexico, Velasco, 1882, oil on canvas
Smoke coming out of train and station, cool colors. Focus not on forms but on the lighting and the temporary things. Monet was doing studies on light at different moments of time. Showing life in Paris with a special view.
Saint Lazarre stations, monet, 1877, oil on canvas
Captures a moment in time, impressionist, not idealized. Striped chairs emphasizes curves and body and feminine. Influenced by Japanese printmaking by hair and colors and flat background. Created for an exhibit with 10 prints. Cassat focuses on female empowerment and kids.
The coffiture, cassat, aqua tint and dry point, printmaking, 1890 to 1891
Post impressionism, spent time in hospital, hills were seen from hospital room. Tree has Mediterranean influence, buildings have Dutch influence which is his home country. Thick and pasta paint, exaggerates the steepness of mountains.
Starry night, Van Gogh, 1839, oil on canvas
The last year for past and ruins, Gothic inspired. Competition was held after original burned down, pujin did exterior. Barry did interior as classic style. Modern advancements made it easier to be Gothic. Westminster Hall only part that survived fire, verticality. Central lobby is between two parts of buildings where constituents meet Parliament members. Moved metal grades on doorways as a symbol for women have more rights now. Statues of kings and queens, for mosaics and lobby represent parts of England
Palace of Westminster, London England, Charles Berry and Augustus pugin, 1840 to 1870, limestone masonry and glass
Queen of Naples commissioned, romanticism. Credits mad at disproportion body, called departure from classical in realism. Name is for Turkish female slave / concubine. Other lavish things show her life isn’t as luxurious as it seems. Elongated leg and torso
La grande odilsque, Ingres, 1814, oil on canvas
Post impressionism, paintings of mountain. Use is warm colors in the front instead of normal. Blocky brush strokes from palette knife, geometric strokes. Wonky atmospheric perspective, flat look because green is not just on trees which creates cohesiveness
Mount Saint Victoire, paul cézanne, 1902 to 1904, oil on canvas
Artist started painting as a hobby and left family and moved to Tahiti, yellow skin, influenced by Tahiti culture. Read from right to left. Three girls may have been wives, represent where do we come from and youth. What are we represents midlife, picking fruit of world. Where are we going to those dying man and old lady inspired by Peruvian mummy. Was obsessed with death, had depression, left notes to his friends on the descriptions and art. Daughter died and made him determined to commit to suicide, last will and testament
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? Paul Gauguain, 1897 to 1898, oil on canvas
Is about a dream where sky turned red in people were screaming. Missed it shape and face, inspired by Peruvian mummy. Part of exhibition called free of life not the only rendition because may have been about recurring nightmares. Art nouveau, want for nostalgia
The scream, munch, tempera and pastel on cardboard, national gallery olso, 1893
Flat composition, Gold leaf like byzantines, two people kissing covered in cloaks, feeling of all consuming love. Convey emotion and love, people at edge of Cliff shows couple is unaware. Gustave painted untasteful paintings and painted this to show he was tasteful
The kiss, Gustav Klimt, 1907 to 1908, oil on canvas
About a siege in Calais where King demanded that the men come to them bear headed with keys to City and he would lift siege. Thought they would die, shows their thoughts. Was first presented on high pedestal in Paris but Rodan wanted it in Calais and lower to connect with emotion. Parallel to Calais in Franco German siege
The burgers of Calais, Rodin, 1884 to 1895, bronze
Flat background in thin brush strokes, inspired by trip to Morocco. Represent tranquility in dreamlike state because of Pinks and greens. Could represent Paradise because of ideas of Islamic representation of paradise and flowers. Shows art doesn’t have to have political or scientific ideas
Goldfish, Matisse, 1912, oil on canvas
When I first to explore complete abstraction, supposed to be about Noah’s ark, eliminates representative elements artists had synthesia and title is associated with music
Improvisation 28, Kandinsky, 1912, oil and canvas
Expressionist, Young generation Frank sells from older generation is called the bridge. Sharp angular lines and colors show violence, shows soldier painting nude woman, missing arm to show his fear he would not be able to paint if he lost his hand in war. Hitler called his art degenerate. Involuntary army volunteer, had breakdown and was released
Self portrait as a soldier, kirchner, 1915, oil on canvas
Propaganda for a German communists, artists use print to easily spread ideas, leibnecht does German communist leader who was assassinated. , top densely packed with people paying respects. Middle has attention on Warner touching liebneck, bottom section has libnic.
Memorial sheet for Carl Liebnecht, Kathë Kollowiz, 1919 to 1920, Woodcut
Five females are angular and sharp, challenging on liquor, weird formations of bodies, some are wearing masks and influence from Africa. Girls are prostitutes on Avignon Street and barcelona, abstraction of human figure inspired by 20th century artist
Les demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907, oil on canvas, cubism
Cubism, lots of angles and straight lines, neutral colors, don’t want to distract from form. Started painting in fauvism. See all parts of a form on a flat canvas. From memory of event of a Portuguese musician at a cafe
The portuguese, George Braque, 1911, oil on canvas
Cubism, people leaving Paris for more traditional but artist came to Paris from Romania with tradition al art. Romania has tradition of stone and wood cutting. Try to maintain materiality of stone.
The kiss, constantin brancusi, 1907 and 1908, limestone
First artist to use ready maids, using object and slightly altering. By using it it questions the role of art in an artist. Artist wrote are much on urinal, comes from place where the urinal was from. Made for an open show but they turned his art down even though it wasn’t allowed so he resigned from being in charge
Fountain, Marchel Duchamp 1917 is original, China with black paint
Artist heard Picasso say everything looks better and for so she did it. To realism, assemblage which means assembling non-art objects. Combined female cup with male fur and comments on working in male-dominated world.
Object, oppenheim, 1936, fur covered cup saucer and spoon
Great shows traditional Mexico, left shows European. too visible hearts connect frida’s, Aztec influence, shows struggle of identity. On left side artery cut by scissors and on right her artery connects with locket of her ex-husband. Shows her ex was a child. Left Frida has blood due to miscarriages. One leg smaller than the other cuz of polio. Stormy background could reflect experience
The two fridas, Frida kahlo, 1939, oil on canvas
Pre-revolutionary canada, artist has mixed heritage and is interested in blending culture. Address is history of slavery and colonial Cuba, sugar canes in background, African masks, round backs and thin arms and legs contract with big hands and feet. Surrealist
The jungle, Wilfredo lam, gruache on paper mounted on canvas, 1943
Image shows poor passengers being shipped back to europe. I just had gallery called 291, most progressive gallery in the US shows photos from photos succession era. Photo was published in magazine, artist interested in diagonal lines as a framing element. Line dividing classes
The steerage, Alfred stieglitz, 1907, photograph
Stefanova is constructionist that served ideals of Soviet Union. Leader of Russian avant-garde. Propaganda that’s trying to show The Five-Year plan was good when it was not. Falsely gives you the idea that they have power. Shows Lenin even though he died because it was supposed to be showing how it was successful. Was in a foreign magazine to show other countries they were successful
The results of the first Five-Year plan, 1932, varvara stefanova, photo montage
Horror vaccui. Left side shows conquest and colonization in America, fight for independence. Shows Sor Juana, Benito Juarez, Santa Ana, Empress and Emperor. Middle shows middle class in 1800s. Shows dictator George porfiro Diaz who was dictator. Jose Marti, Mexican independence. Catrina(skeleton lady that represents upperclassmen woman) is holding hands with posada (creater of her) and Diego, connects posada and Diego. Frida kahlo holds yin yang which shows complicated relationship with Diego. Left side has Francisco madero who was a president murdered during revolution. Police officer ordering indigenous people off land, man being trampled and shot.
Dream of a Sunday afternoon in the Almeda park, Diego Rivera, 1947 to 1948, fresco
Inspired by the Italian paintings, one of 60 paintings in migration series, shows migration of African Americans from rural South to urban north. Unity was same colors and flat shapes. Little identities to show collective experience, she’ll segregated restaurant, Captain says they found discrimination in the north it was a different time. Harlem Renaissance
Migration of the Negro, panel 49, Jacob Lawrence, 1940 to 1941, casesin tempera on hardboard
Destijl, no diagonals allowed, only primary colors and black and white, visual images that represent forces of nature, inspired by cubism and expresses ideas with lines and colors
Composition with red blue and yellow, Piet Mondrain, 1930, oil on canvas
Cocooning trained as a traditional artist, woman is a return to figure an art pikama is disfigured in ferocious. Inspired by post world war pin-ups, smile cut out from magazine, blank stare Frozen grin, painted layers on canvas and wiped off. Breaks away from idealized women
Woman one, Dekooning, 1950 to 1952, oil on canvas.
. Color field painting, focus on color Artist part of N.Y Advant gard scene. Inspired by Jackson Pollock and diluted paint onto canvas and tilted it to spread it out.
The Bay, Helen Frankenthaler, 1963, acrylic on canvas
Happenings, which are planned performances with audience interactions. Based on story of Narcissus. Balls create reflective field. Forced reflection on vanity and ego. Sold balls with sign that said narcissist for sale. Shows vanity of current art world.
Narcissus Garden, Yayoi Kusama, original
installation and performance 1963, mirror balls.
. Pop art, everyday consumer goods are glorified. Christian reference, tells us to worship. Color is life, black and white is death. 4 months after death. Flat image because of repetition, calling Monroe 1 demensional. Repetition bc she was a movie star and exposure desynthesises it to deaden mourning over Marilyn.
Marilyn Diptych, Warhol, 1962, acrylic and silkscreen enamel on canvas
Pop art, appeared on Yale campus as protest for Vietnam war. Original was not permanent. Combined feminine and masculine. Critiqued hyper masculine army and consumerism in us. Implies obsession with beauty and consumerism fueled and distracted violence in Vietnam.
Lipstick on Caterpillar tracks, Oldenburg, 1969-1974, cor-ten steel, cast resin, painted with polyurethane enamel.
Site art, temporary, aka earthworks. In fear salt lake. Jetty is small pier that protects from erosions. Algae turns water pink. Hauled in nearby rock and salt to build. Shows mindset of industrial growth impacts environment. Artist interested in lack of predictability of nature. Twisting changes view at every angle.
Spiral Jerry, Robert Smithson, 1970, mud, precipitated salt crystals, rocks, and water coil.
Early version of Chicago skyscraper. Relationship between architecture and commerce. Built in response to criticism of skyscrapers. Form must ever follow function. Tripartite philosophy: Ground floor is public, 2 nd must be accessible to public, both must be appealing. All other floor are identical offices. Top of building needs distinct cornice. 3 doors visible from all angles. Inviting entrance to get shoppers.
Carson, Pirie, Scott and company building, Louis Sullivan, Chicago, 1899-1903, Iron, steel, glass, and terra cotta.
International Style, clean spacious lines wrap around walls using ferroconcreate construction. Abstracted box-like house, sculptural quality. Name comes from homeowners. Pilotis are pillars that lift building. Free ground plan frees from structural conditioning. Give back to ground space . White for healthy living.
Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier, 1929, steel and reinforced concrete.
Seagram liquor company buildin, emphasize company power with monolithic look. Geometric design and minimalist architecture. Reflecting pool and plaza help with zoning code. International Style. Everyone copied.
Seagram Building, Ludwig Mies Van der Rhoe, Philo Johnson, 1954-1958, steel gram with glass curtain wall and glass.
The fairy style, rejects historic styles and emphasizes harmony with sight, long horizontals with porches and terraces that extend out. Kaufman family home, sun was studying with the wright suggested he design. Emphasize harmony with site, make human life part of nature. Japanese influence with glass curtain wall
Falling water, Frank Lloyd wright, 1936 to 1939, reinforced concrete sandstone steel and glass
Postmodern architecture, references past style in modern context. For family of three. Floating archway sits in front of house, maybe for bird watching. Back of home on pediments and doric columns. Asymmetrical. Music room, painted wooden accents that look 2D. Borrowed many styles
House in New Castle county, Robert Venturi, Rauch, and brown, 1978 to 1983, wood frame and stucco