Identifiers Flashcards
Apollo 11 stones
Namibia, charcoal on stone
Great Hall of the Bulls
Lascaux France, rock painting
Camelid sacrum.
Central Mexico, bone
Running horned woman.
Tassilin’Ajjer, pigment on rock
Beaker with ibex motifs
Susa, Iran, painted terra cotta
Anthropomorphic stele
Arabian peninsula, sandstone
Liangzhu,China, carved jade
Wiltshire,UK, sandstone
The Ambum Stone
Paupa new guinea, greywacke
Tlatilco female figurine
Central mexico, ceramic
Terra cotta fragment.
Terra Cotta, Lapita.SolomonIslands
White Temple and its ziggurat
Sumerian, Mudbrick
Palette of King Narmer
3000 BCE, graywacke
Statues of votive figures
Sumerian, gypsum
Seated scribe
Saqqara Egypt, painted limestone
Standard of Ur
Sumerian, wood inlaid gems
Great pyramids and sphinx
Gisa, limestone
King Menkaura and queen.
Greywacke, old Kingdom, 4th dynasty
Code of Hammurabi.
Babylon, basalt
Temple of AmunRe & Hypostyle Hall
Egypt, sandstone and brick
.Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut.
Egypt, sandstone
New kingdom, 18th dynasty, limestone
Tutankhamun’s tomb, innermost coffin
New kingdom, 18th dynasty, gold and gems
Last judgment of HuNefer
New kingdom, 19th dynasty, papyrus
.Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II
NeoAssyrian, alabaster
Athenian agora.
600 BCE, plan
Anavysos Kouros.
Archaic, marble with paint
Peplos Kore from the Acropolis
Archaic, marble
Sarcophagus of the Spouses.
Etruscan, terracotta
Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes.
Persian, limestone
Temple of Minerva and sculpture of Apollo
Vulcan, wood and tufa
.Tomb of the Triclinium.
Tufa and Fresco, Etruscan
Niobides Krater.
250 bce, clay
Doryphoros (SpearBearer).
Polykleitos, marble copy
Athens, Greece , Iktinos and Kallikrates
Grave stele of Hegeso
Marble and paint, 410 bce
Winged Victory of Samothrace
Hellenistic, marble
Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon
Hellenistic, marble
House of the Vettii
Pompeii, cut stone and frescoe
Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun
Pompeii, mosaic
Seated boxer.
Hellenistic, bronze
Head of a Roman patrician.
50 BCE, marble
Augustus of Prima Porta.
Early first century ce, marble
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater).
Rome, stone and concrete
Forum of Trajan.
Rome, brick concrete and marble
Imperial roman, concrete with stone facing
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus
Late imperial roman, marble
Catacomb of Priscilla.
Excavated tufa and fresco, Rome, Italy.
Santa Sabina
Brick and stone, wooden roof, Rome, Italy.
Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well and Jacob Wrestling the Angel, from the Vienna Genesis.
Century C.E. Illuminated manuscript
San Vitale.
Ravenna, Italy, mosaic
Hagia Sophia.
Brick and ceramic elements, Constantinople
Merovingian looped fibulae
6th century C.E, silver gilt with inlays of garnets
Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George.
Encaustic on wood, 6th century ce
Lindisfarne Gospels
700 C.E., Illuminated
Great Mosque
Córdoba, Spain, Stonemasonry
Pyxis of alMughira
Ivory, Umayyad.
Church of Sainte-Foy
Conques, France, 1050 ce
Bayeux Tapestry
Embroidery on linen, Romanesque Europe
Chartres Cathedral
Limestone, stained glass, chatres france
Dedication Page with Blanche of Castile and King Louis IX of France, Scenes from the Apocalypse from Bibles
Illuminated manuscript, Gothic europe
Röttgen Pietà.
Late medieval Europe, Painted wood.
Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel
Giotto di Bondone, brick and fresco
Golden Haggadah
Illuminated manuscript, late medieval Spain
Granada, Spain, 1354–1391C.E.
Annunciation Triptych
Robert Campin, Oil on wood.
Pazzi Chapel
Filippo Brunelleschi, Masonry
The Arnolfini Portrait
Jan van Eyck, Oil on wood.
Bronze, Donatello
Palazzo Rucellai
Florence,Italy, stone
Madonna and Child with Two Angels.
Lippi, tempera on wood
Birth of Venus
Sandro Botticelli, Tempera on canvas.
Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci, oil and tempera.
Adam and Eve.
Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo, fresco
School of Athens
Raphael, Fresco
Isenheim altarpiece
Oil on wood, Grünewald.
Entombment of Christ
Oil on wood, Pontormo
Allegory of Law and Grace.
Cranach the Elder, Woodcut and letterpress
Venus of Urbino
Titian, Oil on canvas.
Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza
Ink and color on paper, 1541
Il Gesù
Rome, Italy, brick, marble, fresco, and stucco
Hunters in the Snow
Bruegel, oil on wood
Mosque of Selim II
Brick and stone, Sinan
Calling of Saint Matthew
Oil on canvas, Caravaggio
Henri IV Receives the Portrait of Marie de’Medici
Rubens, Oil on canvas.
Self Portrait with Saskia.
Rembrandt, Etching
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.
Borromini, Rome, Italy
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Bernini, 1647 c.e., Rome, Italy
Angel with Arquebus
17th century C.E.Oil on canvas.
Las Meninas
Velázquez, oil on canvas
Woman Holding a Balance
Vermeer, Oil on canvas
The Palace at Versailles
Versailles, France, 1669 ce
Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and hunting scene
Circle of the González Family, tempera and resin on wood
The Virgin of Guadalupe
Miguel González,. Oil on canvas on wood
Fruit and Insects
Rachel Ruysch, Oil on wood
Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo
Juárez, Oil on canvas
The Tête à Tête, from Marriage à la Mode
Oil on canvas, Hogarth
Portrait of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Oil on canvas, Cabrera.
A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery
Oil on canvas, Joseph Wright of Derby
The Swing
Fragonard, Oil on canvas.
Thomas Jefferson, Brick, glass, stone, and wood
The Oath of the Horatii
Oil on canvas, Jacques Louis David.
George Washington
Marble, Houdon
Self Portrait
Le Brun, Oil on canvas.
Y no hai remedio
Francisco de Goya, etching, dry point
La Grande Odalisque
Oil on canvas, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Liberty Leading the People
Oil on canvas, Delacroix.
The Oxbow
Thomas Cole, Oil on canvas
Still Life in Studio
Daguerreotype, Daguerre
Slave Ship
Oil on canvas, Joseph Turner.
Palace of Westminster
Charles Barry and Augustus N. Pugin, Limestone masonry and glass
The Stone Breakers
Oil on canvas, Gustave Courbet
Nadar Raising Photography to the Height of Art.
Honoré Daumier, Lithograph.
Édouard Manet, Oil on canvas.
The Saint Lazare Station
Claude Monet, Oil on canvas.
The Horse in Motion
Eadweard Muybridge, 1878
The Valley of Mexico
Oil on canvas, Jose María
The Burghers of Calais
Auguste Rodin, Bronze.
The Starry Night
Vincent van Gogh, Oil on canvas.
The Coiffure
.Drypoint and aquatint, Mary Cassatt
The Scream
Edvard Munch, Tempera and pastels on cardboard
.Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Oil on canvas, Paul Gauguin
Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Building
Louis Sullivan, Chicago, Illinois, iron
Mont Sainte-Victoire
Oil on canvas, Paul Cézanne
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon
Pablo Picasso, Oil on canvas
The Steerage
Alfred Stieglitz, 1907
The Kiss
Oil and gold leaf on canvas, Gustav Klimt
The Kiss (copy)
Limestone, Constantin Brancusi
The Portuguese
Georges Braque, Oil on canvas
Henri Matisse, Oil on canvas
Improvisation 28
Oil on canvas, Vassily Kandinsky
Self Portrait as a Soldier
Oil on canvas, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Memorial Sheet for Karl Liebknecht
Käthe Kollwitz, Woodcut
Villa Savoye
Le Corbusier, steel and reinforced concrete
Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow
Oil on canvas, Piet Mondrian
Illustration from The results of the First Five Year Plan
Varvara Stepanova, Photomontage
Meret Oppenheim, Fur covered cup, saucer, and spoon.
Frank Lloyd Wright, concrete, sandstone, steel, and glass.
The Two Fridas
Frida Kahlo, Oil on canvas.
The Migration of the Negro ,Panel no. 49
Jacob Lawrence, 1940–1941
The Jungle
Wifredo Lam, 1943 C.E.
Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Park
Diego Rivera, Fresco
Marcel Duchamp, Readymade glazed sanitary china with black paint.
Willem de Kooning, Oil on canvas.
Seagram Building
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, steel frame with glass curtain wall
Marilyn Diptych
Andy Warhol, 1962
Narcissus Garden
Yayoi Kusama, Mirror balls.
The Bay
Helen Frankenthaler, Acrylic on canvas
Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks
Spiral Jetty
Robert Smithson, Earthwork
House in New Castle County
Robert Venturi, Wood frame and stucco.
Chavín de Huántar
Chavín, Stone, granite
Mesa Verde cliff dwellings
Ancestral Puebloan, Sandstone
Maya, Limestone
Great Serpent Mound
Mississippian, Earthwork/effigymound, 1070C.E.
Templo Mayor
Tenochtitlan, Stone
Ruler’s feather headdress
Feathers and gold, Aztec
City of Cusco
Peru, Inka,
Maize cobs
Inka, Sheet metal/repoussé,
City of Machu Picchu.
Peru, Inka, Granite
All T’oqapu tunic
Inka, Camelid fiber and cotton
Bandolier bag
Beadwork on leather, Lenape
Transformation mask
Late 19th century, Wood, paint, and string.
Painted elk hide
Painted elk hide, Eastern Shoshone
Black on black ceramic vessel
Maria Martínez and Julian Martínez, Blackware ceramic
Conical tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe
Shona peoples, Coursed granite blocks
Great Mosque of Djenné
Mali, Adobe
Wall plaque, from Oba’s palace
Benin, Edo peoples, brass
Sika dwa kofi (GoldenStool)
Ashanti peoples, Gold over wood
Kuba peoples, Wood
Nkisi n’kondi
Kongo peoples, wood and metal
Female (Pwo) mask
Chokwe peoples, Wood,
fiber, pigment, and metal
Mblo mask
Baule peoples, Wood and pigment.
Bundu mask
Sande Society, wood, cloth, fiber
Igbo peoples, Wood
Mbudye Society, wood, beads, metal
Aka elephant mask
Bamileke, wood, woven rafia, cloth, beads
Reliquary figure (byeri)
Fang peoples, wood
Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife
Yoruba peoples, Wood
and pigment
Petra, Jordan: Treasury and Great Temple.
Cut rock, 400 B.C.E. – 100C.E..
Rock with plaster and polychrome paint. Afghanistan
The Kaaba
Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Granite masonry
Jowo Rinpoche, enshrined in the Jokhang Temple
Lhasa, Tibet, Gilt metals with semiprecious stones
Dome of the Rock
Jerusalem, Islamic,Umayyad.
Great Mosque (Masjide Jameh)
Isfahan, Iran, Stone, brick, wood, plaster,andglazed
ceramic tile.
Folio from a Qur’an.
Abbasid., Ink, color, and gold on parchment.
Basin (Baptistère de St. Louis)
Muhammad ibn alZain, Brass inlaid with gold and silver.
Bahram Gur Fights the Karg, folio from the Great IlKhanid Shahnama
Il’Khanid, Islamic; Persian
The Court of Gayumars, folio from Shah Tahmasp’s Shahnama
Sultan Muhammad. Ink, opaque
watercolor, and gold on paper.
The Ardabil Carpet
Silk and wool, Maqsud of Kashan
Great Stupa at Sanchi.
Madhya Pradesh, Stone
masonry, sandstone on dome
Terra cotta warriors
Painted terra cotta, Qin Dynasty
Funeral banner of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui)
Painted silk, Han Dynasty
Longmen caves
Tang Dynasty, Limestone
Gold and jade crown
Metalwork, Silla Kingdom, Korea
Nara, Japan, wood with ceramic tile roofing
Borobudur Temple.
Volcanic stone masonry, Central Java, Indonesia
Angkor, the temple of Angkor Wat, and the city of Angkor Thom, Cambodia.
Angkor Dynasty, Cambodia, Stonemasonry, sandstone.
Lakshmana Temple
Khajuraho, India, Sandstone
Travelers among Mountains and Streams
Fan Kuan, ink and colors on silk
Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja)
Cast bronze, Hindu, India,
Night Attack on the Sanjô Palace.
Handscroll, Japan
The David Vases.
Yuan Dynasty, China, White porcelain withcobalt blue underglaze
Portrait of Sin Sukju
15th century C.E. , Hanging scroll (ink on silk)
Forbidden City.
Beijing,China.MingDynasty, stone masonry, marble, wood, brick, ceramic tile
Kyoto, Japan, Rock garden
Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings
Bichitr, Watercolor, gold, and ink on paper.
Taj Mahal.
Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, stonemasonry and marble with inlay of semi-precious gems
White and Red Plum Blossoms.
Ogata Korin, Ink, watercolor, and gold leaf on paper.
Under the Wave off Kanagawa
Katsushika Hokusai, Polychrome woodblock print;
Chairman Mao en Route to Anyuan
1969 C.E., Color
lithograph. , artist unknown
Nan Madol.
Pohnpei, Micronesia, Basalt boulders and prismatic columns.
Moai on platform (ahu)
Easter Island, Volcanic tuff figures on basalt base.
‘Ahu‘ula (feather cape)
Hawaiian, Feathers and fiber
Staff god.
Cook Islands, Wood, tapa, fiber, and feathers.
Female deity
Nukuoro, Micronesia, wood
Buk (mask)
Torres Strait, Turtle shell, wood, fiber, feathers, and shell
Hiapo (tapa)
Niue, Tapa or bark cloth,
Tamati Waka Nene
Gottfried Lindauer, Oil on canvas.
Navigation chart
Marshall Islands, Wood and fiber
Malagan display and mask
Papua New Guinea, Wood, pigment, fiber, and shell
Presentation of Fijian mats and tapa cloths to Queen Elizabeth II
Fiji, Polynesia, Multimedia performance
The Gates
New York City, Mixedmedia installation
Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Washington, D.C., U.S. Maya Lin
Horn Players.
Jean Michel Basquiat. 1983
Summer Trees
Song Sunam, Ink on paper
Androgyn III.
Magdalena Abakanowicz, 1985C.E
A Book from the Sky.
Xu Bing, Mixedmedia installation.
Pink Panther.
Jeff Koons, Glazed porcelain
Untitled (#228), from the History Portraits series.
Cindy Sherman, Photograph
Dancing at the Louvre, from the series The French Collection, Part I;#1.
Faith Ringgold, 1991
Trade (Gifts for Trading Land with White People).
Jaune QuicktoSee Smith, Oil & mixed media on canvas
Earth’s Creation
Emily Kame Kngwarreye, 1994
Rebellious Silence, The Women of Allah series.
Ink on photograph, 1994 C.E
En la Barberia no se Llora (No Crying Allowed in the Barbershop).
Mixedmedia installation, Pepon Osorio
Pisupo Lua Afe (Corned Beef 2000).
Michel Tuffery, Mixed media
Electronic Superhighway.
Nam June Paik, Mixedmedia installation
The Crossing.
Bill Viola, Video/sound installation.
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
Spain, Frank Gehry
Pure Land
MarikoMori, 1998C.E
Lying with the Wolf.
Kiki Smith, Ink and pencil on paper.
Darkytown Rebellion.
Kara Walker, 2001C.E.
The Swing (after Fragonard).
Yinka Shonibare, Mixedmedia installation.
Old Man’s Cloth.
El Anatsui, Aluminum and copper wire
Stadia II.
Julie Mehretu, 2004C.E.
Preying Mantra.
Wangechi Mutu, 2006 C.E.
Doris Salcedo, Installation.
MAXXI National Museum. of XXI Century Arts.
Rome, Italy, Zaha Hadid
Kui Hua Zi (Sunflower Seeds).
Ai Weiwei, Sculpted and painted porcelain