Early European Flashcards
Rome, Italy 200-400. 100 miles of catacombs that golf christans, some popes and martyrs. Frescoes on walls. Named for woman who gave land. Orant frescos has orant figure and 4 others under lunette. On the left is a church leader and on the right is man and woman being married/ kids being taught. On right is woman and baby, maybe m and j. Paintings are pompeian. Good shepherd is on ceiling above orant figure. Around that is Jonah and whale which parallels Jesus resurrection
Catacombs of Priscilla
Rome, Italy, brick and stone, 422-432. Large central nave and side ailes. Windows let light in but can’t see out. Represents Christians, simple outside, inside full of holy Spirit. Columns are spolia from temple of Juno. Women in side ailes.
Santa Sabina.
. Ravenna, Italy, early Byzantine empire, 527-565, brick, marble, stone veneer. Octagonal layout, central plan, brick exterior with windows. Mosaics are ornate, awe. Financed by Juliaus Argentinius. Brick from Roman builfings are spolia. Justinian and his attendants is mosaic. Justinian in middle, military and clergymen around him. J has halo, shows position in church and military. Blank background gives timeless feel. J holding Eucharist, feet overlapp. Wears purple and gold, shows emperor partaking in mass. Theodora panel shows Theodora, who is off center, shows less important that j. T has chalice, walks left and faces us. Rt of t is attendants. On hem of dress is 3 Wiseman, parallel between her and bible characters.
San Vitale
. Constantinople, 526-547, Anthemius and Isadorus. Mosaics, stone, ceramics, uses pendentives and squinches. Large dome with windows at base, creates halo of light. Large nave ends under altar.Church/ mosque , name means holy wisdom. Minarettes are 4 pillars in front of building, important to mosques. Justinian and theatoka paid for it. Pendentives Byzantine. Islam covered icons and used minarettes. Christians made layout and icons. Byzantines went through iconoclastic contraversy, which made icons illegal in non churches, rest were smashed. Icon artists left.
Hagia Sophia
. 6-7th century, wood and encaustic( melted wax). 5 people, 2 in back are angels, middle is seated Mary holding Jesus. On other side of her is Theodore and George. Theotokos means one who gave birth to God. Mary looks to side, symbol for her thinking about Jesus’s future. Jesus looks away to show he knows fate. T and G look straight into present. Angels look up to God. May have been 3 different artists.
Theotokos and child between Theodore and George
Early 6th century, illuminated manuscript, vellum. 2 stories. Rebecca and Elizer at the well. Rebecca Rebecca moves thru timex writing in black, pictures on bottom. Rebecca offers Elizer water, who was told to bring her to maeey person. Jacob wrestling the angel. Roman bridge shows influence. Vienna Genesis shows oldest stories from Genesis. Purple vellum shows made for royals.
Vienna Genesis.
700, vellum and ink, illuminated manuscript, hiberno-saxon. Celtic imagery combined with Christianity. For private devotion. On the cross page from book of Matthew there is pattern work that forms a cross that contains intertwined birds and snakes. Birds have cloisonné technique that is usually used on jewelry, horror vaccui. On the St Luke incipit page, it is not finished and is the beginning of the book of Luke has cats that ate birds and is Celtic imagery that is combined with Christian. on the St Luke portrait page Luke is sitting and writing. Above him is a cow that represents him. Says Acios Lucas, which identifies the cow as Luke symbol
Lindisfarne Gospels.
Mid 6th century, silver guilted with semi-precious Stone and garments. Metal fish birds cloisonné(filled in with enamel). Ceremonial broach that shows status and has a delicate design for women, found at a grave site
Merovingian looped fibula
Conque France, Romanesque, 1050 to 1130, Stone. Large for pilgrimages, small Windows let little light in, thick walls. Pilgrim stop on the way to Santiago do compostcho. The last judgment tympanum, which is the round space above the door, has very little negative space. Jesus is in the Middle with disciples by him. Under him is possibly hell, relief sculpture. Reminds pilgrims of why they are Christians. Shows Jesus making judgments about heaven and hell. Jesus is in a mandorla (circular frame around body) his right hand is higher which waves people to heaven, left to hell. The cross splits the narrative the guy on the right is a demon and Michael the archangel, who weigh souls for Jesus. The devil is with people and is torturing them. In heaven Mary traveling and Peter lead Jesus. And the triangle section is Saint foy. The reliquary of Saint-foy is gold and silver with gems. Inside is her skull and is used during celebration, contains bones of young martyr
Church of Saint-foy
Romanesque, 1066 to 1080, embroidery on linen. Stylized narrative with more than 600 people and 65 scenes, 230 ft long. Tells the story of when Edward shows William to be king and tells Harold to tell him. Harold takes over instead which makes William mad and he defeats Harold, similar to Alexander mosaic and column of traijan
Bayeux tapestry
Chatres France, 1145 to 1155, Limestone and stained glass. Oldest examples of flying buttress, was that window with stained glass, Gothic architecture. Believe to have Mary’s tunic. Royal portal is three doors on the cathedral with type in them above the doorway depicts the loyal royals is only where higher-ups can’t enter the church. The tympanum above shows the last judgment which is a , judgment. It’s, because it’s letting important people in Mary is holding Jesus. dome is like multi sets of judgments there are seven archivolts like seven liberal arts in medieval times. Lentils have descriptions of life of Jesus and capitals tell stories. Feasting glass is rounded and portrays Mary with Jesus. 12 panels hold Old testament Kings. Adds to the Holiness of the church many colors are projected onto walls
Chartres cathedral
Wood,1300-1325, late medieval Europe. Shows emaciated Jesus being held by Mary. Very unhealthy Jesus shows words of torture. Is andachtsbilder( emotionally powerful Christian images for prayer). Large blood drops are like grapes which symbolize wine used in Mass which represents jesus’s blood. Starts trend of humanizing Jesus to show he was a man separate from God
Rottgen pieta
1255 to 1295, illuminated manuscript. Two text columns and two imagery columns with four circles each (medallions) is a moralized Bible which is shortened stories for royal family to help King remember. For the French Royal Court, four characters. Blanche of Castile( queen) , the young King ( Louie IX ),cleric, artist
Scenes from The Apocalypse from Bibles moralisées
1303-1305. Named after patron ,Enrico scrovegni who donated father’s money that father got thru usory. Built in Roman arena. 1 wall shows Jesus, other Mary. At the end is last judgement scene with devil that poops people out. Jesus is in a mandorla with 12 disciples. Under him a a cross and scrovegni is handing the chapel to the angles. The lamentation scene is by giotto, background is bare, diagonal composition. Shows stages of grief. Mary and Mary Magdalene. Jonah and whale next to it.
Scrovegni Chapel with lamentation.
. By workshop of Robert Campin, oil on wood, Renaissance, 1427-1433. Is a tryptic, which is 3 works that come together and make sense as 1. Shows annunciation. Mary is in front of fireplace, blocking people from hell. On table is 3 flowers of holy Trinity. Towel and pot are baptism. Candlestick is Mary and flame is Jesus. Ghost guy is holy Spirit coming to protect Jesus. Flemish interior. Joseph is in workshop with mousetrap to catch Satan. Left panel shows patrons.
Annunciation Triptych
Jean Van Eyck, 1444, oil on wood. Man in front of woman protects woman from outside world. May be a betrothal ceremony or giving wife power while he leaves. Dog represents fidelity. Bare feet on holy ground. Above mirror says van Eyck was here. 1 candle lit symbolize 1st night of marriage. May be wife who died in childbirth, dress pulled up and st Margaret.
Arnolfini Portrait.
Durer, 1504, print. Adam and Eve are taking apple from snake Satan. Mouse represents Satan. Cat is callaric(irritable), ox is calm, bunny is sanguine, elk is melancholy. Adam and Eve make life hard. Parrot is clever. Artist name shows artistry is being respected
Adam and Eve.
. Grünewald, 1512-1518, oil on wood. Shows crucifixion, multiple panels open for new view. Symbolism for ergoyism illness. Jesus limbs get amputated when panel opens. Kept in Monastery. Very gory, gives hope to patients because of resuscitation. On side is Anthony who was stabbed and and Sebastian who was tourmented by deamons. Shows they were both saved after. On bottom is entombment of Christ. On inside is Jesus coming out of tomb.others show Mary and annunciation.
Isenheim Altarpiece
. Cranach the Elder, print, 1530. Woodcut. Shows protestantism vs Catholicism. On p. Side, naked man is being saved by believing in Jesus. Tree has leaves. Jesus is coming out of tomb. Dove is coming to ma . Believing Jesus is the son of God is the only way to heaven. On C. Side, Jesus is seen as a judge. 10 commandments show Catholic rules. Man is chased to hell, shows Catholics don’t bring to heaven. Catholics had people pay to remove sin.
Allegory of Law and Grace
. Bruegel, 1565, oil on wood. Winter scene diagonal composition. High horizon line, alpine landscape. Part of series of 6 paintings, show labors of the season, each one has 2 months. This is nov/dec, shows hunters are unsuccessful returning from hunt.
Hunters in the Snow
Florence, by Brunelleschi, 1423. Similar to pantheon, has oculus, contrast by using grey (pietra sirena) in detailed areas. Some terra Cotta tiles, is the area where 2 barrel vaults meet. Ideal geometry used, symmetrical. Meeting space for monks, has benches. Pendentives used, coat of arms at base.
Pazzi Chapel.
. Donatello 1440-1460, bronze. Exaggerated controposto. Young statue of nude man, long hair and hat. Less masculine and defined, more feminine. Life-size. Commissioned by medicci, put in courtyard. Story of David and Goliath, David feels remorse. Foppish hat, laurels symbolize. David may represent Florence and Goliath may be duke of Milan.
Alberti, 1450, stone. Bricked building, has pillasters/flattened column. Bottom Tuscan, middle artist design, top Corinthian. 1st floor has square windows, 2nd/3has mullions. Floors get shorter as you go. 4 floors but only 3 visible. Palace for Rucelli family. Floors go business, guests, family, servants. coat of arms is lion. Freize has sails because a family is merchants.
Palazzo Rucelli.
Lippi, 1645, tempra on wood. Angels are holding baby Jesus up to mary as she prays. Landscape in background with rocks, rock city on background. Heavenly Jerusalem. Main rocks represents church because church is sturdy and supportive. Mary’s pearls represent immaculate conception bc of clams. Lover was model. Compare to theotokos, more natural.
Madonna and Child with Angels.
. Botticelli, 1484-1486, tempra on canvas. Aphrodite is in a shell bc she was born of the sea. Poor background. Controposto. Mediccis commissioned. Roses bc symbol for a. Zephyrus represents Westwind carries a nymph of spring, symbol of rebirth. Woman has cloth to cover Venus. Based of poem. Shows revival of Greek stories.
Birth of Venus
Leonardo De Vinci, 1495-1498, oil and temperate. On wall in cafeteria, linear perspective. Eye brought to Jesus in center. Groups of 3s. Jesus is announcing he will be betrayed. Judas looks unsurprised and holds bag of coins. All deciples are reacting based on personality.judas is painted darker. Deteriorated quickly bc of paint experiment.
Last Supper.
1508-1512, Michelangelo, frescoes. Cieling has 9 panels split into groups of 3: creation of earth, man , And noah. Michelangelo 1 artist, likes muscles. Popes elected in chapel. In flood scene over 60 figures with unique pose. Depicts Noah leaving flood. The delphic sybil has greek clothes and sits on controposto. Prophet of Jesus. Last judgement is deep blue. Ripped Jesus. Had to cover up after counter reformation. 4 bands. Lunettes show angels. 2nd shows saved in heaven with Jesus. Guy on cloud is st. Bartholomew. Holds skin that resembles Michelangelo, jabs that critics have skinned him alive.next section shows people going to heaven or hell. 4th section shows dead rising for judgment. Jesus’s tomb divides earth and hell. Dantes inferno characters there, symbol for reformation causing chaos.
Sistine Chapel.
. Raphael, 1509-1511, Fresco, apostolic palace. Many people in courtyard. One point perspective. Center left is Plato / Leonardo da Vinci. Center right is Aristotle. Pythagoras is in the bottom row. Michelangelo is thinking on the bottom row. Raphael is in the bottom right corner. Philosopher eucolad may have been bramate, architect of St Paul’s. Left side is idealism, right side is practical.
School of Athens