Early European Pt 2 Flashcards
Bruegel, 1565, oil on wood. Winter scene diagonal composition. High horizon line, alpine landscape. Part of series of 6 paintings, show labors of the season, each one has 2 months. This is nov/dec, shows hunters are unsuccessful returning from hunt.
Hunters in the Snow
Cranach the Elder, print, 1530. Woodcut. Shows protestantism vs Catholicism. On p. Side, naked man is being saved by believing in Jesus. Tree has leaves. Jesus is coming out of tomb. Dove is coming to ma . Believing Jesus is the son of God is the only way to heaven. On C. Side, Jesus is seen as a judge. 10 commandments show Catholic rules. Man is chased to hell, shows Catholics don’t bring to heaven. Catholics had people pay to remove sin.
Allegory of Law and Grace
Grünewald, 1512-1518, oil on wood. Shows crucifixion, multiple panels open for new view. Symbolism for ergoyism illness. Jesus limbs get amputated when panel opens. Kept in Monastery. Very gory, gives hope to patients because of resuscitation. On side is Anthony who was stabbed and and Sebastian who was tourmented by deamons. Shows they were both saved after. On bottom is entombment of Christ. On inside is Jesus coming out of tomb.others show Mary and annunciation.
Isenheim Altarpiece
Tristan, Venice, 1538, oil on canvas. Venetians are known for making people glowing and sensual. Woman is laying down girl in background is kneeling. Dog is by Venus who is staring directly at people. Losing technique to add vibrancy may be a court lady described as Venus. Girl and background is in a casonni, chest, which holds bride’s clothes. Duke of urbino may have commissioned as a wedding present. Rose are simple for Venus
Venus of Urbino
Pontormo, 1525-1528, oil on wood, Florence, mannerism. People are morning Jesus and floating, unnatural color and posed bodies. Hands come together in the center. In a chapel setting. Colors contrast with dark Chapel. No one is crying but they are devastated. Artist and painting
Entombment of Christ
Vignola(architect), della port(facade), 1575-1584, marble. Use prior architectural features without prior function. Lots of framing to bring building together, eyes drawn to midline. In center says IHS, first three letters for Jesus in Latin, title for Josephus. Squirrel shape on top looks like ionic. No side aisles and interior, one large knee to hold many, large ceiling painting. Church for Jesuit order, Jesuits are defenders of counter-reformation
Il Gesu
Maderno, Rome, 1605 to 1620. Front is fancy, back is plain. Mannerism. Pediment and ionic capitals, Corinthian columns on top. Broken pediments. Picture stay connected to mary originally for st.paul. to thank Mary for a victory. Siege of Vienna captured Turkish standard
Santa Maria Della Vittoria
Bernini, 1637-1652, marble. Saint Teresa and angels and clouds above them is window that illuminates beams, floating. Cornalo family is patrons. They are sitting in a theater box and look and talk about Teresa. About one of Saint Teresa’s diary entries, counter-referimation art. Angel holding arrow that was inserted into heart and left good pain. Made when Teresa was a newer saint
Ecstacy of St. Theresa
Gaulli, frescos and stucco, 1676-1679. Ceiling of Il Gesu, in main nave. Organized unlike Sistine Chapel. In center is jesus’s initials, everything else spirals outward. Heavenly people in Middle. Uses shadows and highlights to create depth. He’s a stucco. Close to the center or priests soldiers and Magi. She has a last judgment scene. Peacock is symbol of pride and beauty, really people are coming to things being cast away. Simiony is when you make money off religious things. Heresy is when you are out against the accepted belief. Disotto in su is illusion painting from below. Philippians 2:10 inspired the painting. Everyone should bow down to Jesus
Adoration in the name of Jesus
Vermeer, 1664, oil on canvas. Dutch Baroque, more secular paintings. A woman holding a balance kind of light coming through window. Is a moment in time and I is drawn to balance and silk fabric. Can see different textures and lightning. Eludes that woman is pregnant in the background is the last judgment scene. Scale maybe a symbol of sin or woman is thinking of her impact on being. Could be thinking if her work on Earth/ jewels. Is a Catholic painting in a Protestant country. vermeer selective of how much he makes and gives out. Vanitas=vanity, things from this life won’t help you in heaven. Jewels won’t help women, her scales are empty.
Woman holding a balance
Rembrandt, Dutch baroque, 1636, etching. In women in fancy clothes. R is drawing. Contract between house R and lady is. Practice etching. Right after wedding. Rembrandt known for paintings and self-portraits
Self portrait with saskia
Caravaggio, Italian baroque, oil on canvas, 1597 to 1601. Frozen moment, is in the corner pointing at Matthew who points at himself and confusion. Light comes in through one window, creates drama. Jesus’s hand looks like Adam on Sistine Chapel. Temporary, what Jesus would look like in modern day. Uses tenebrism. Contatelli family had Chapel dedicated to St Matthew, one of paintings. Jesus made friends often ejected by others into Matthew’s tax collector. Jesus calling Matthew to be follower. Some so into money they don’t notice Jesus.
Calling of St Matthew
Rubens, 1621 to 1625, oil on canvas. Important man inspecting portrait that is being held by people with wings. Above him is Hera answers. Painting was used as way for Henry to find a wife. Marriage is often done by proxy. Marie did have commissioned to make her seem like a good person. Henry looks smitten and Cupid and Haman, gods of Love and marriage our present. Hear it and Zeus are watching from above smiling to say they know it won’t work out. Behind Henry is Friends personified as a person who shows that even country approves of Marie. Marie is trying to deny problems about her.
Henry IV receive the portrait of Marie De medicine
Veláquez, oil on canvas, 1656. Focus on princess enfanta margarita of Spain. Around her are attendance, two of them are little. Large paintings on walls front row of people is the lightest. There is a painting of the king and queen which is actually a mirror that reflects the painting. Was hung in the kings study. Diego has a red cross on his chest that shows he was a knight, rise of artists. Roman goddess of wisdom on paintings. Jose minto was head of tapestries has a hand of on curtain. Chaperones and background because rumors ruin royal family.
Las Meninas
Ruysch, 1711,oil on wood. Fruits and insects, naturalistic has many textures. Dutch baroque. Artist father was a teacher of botany. Artist was known for still lives. She used images from Father’s botany books to paint. Fruits are from all types of years
Fruit and insects
Borromini, 1638-1646, stone and stucco. Facade is taller than rest of building, name because of four fountains. Lots of curved lines and oval shapes, oval dumb with coffers of mini shapes. Pendants. White color palette unnormal for time period. Part of complex for Spanish trinitarians, sculptures of them. Was a fresco for holy Trinity
San Carlos Alle Quattro Fontane
Versailles France, 1669, by Louis Le Vau and Jules Handoin Manzart. Plain facade, was a hunting lodge made into a palace. Private rooms in center show Louie is center of universe, gardens. Shows power. All of mirrors is a hall with one side of Windows and the other of mirrors. Sun reflex light and reflects off crystals and gold. Barrel vault ceiling. Gardens are between Palace and wooded area. Fountains turn on as king walks by. Pathways and in dramatic ways.
Palace of Versailles
1541 to 1542, pigment on paper. Large bird on cactus looks like Mexican flag, shows intersection of two rivers that form x. About Tenochtitlan. Aztec warriors are destroying temples of enemies. Glyphs go all the way around and are based on Aztec calendar system. Shows Aztec life and is meant to educate Europe about Aztec culture, given to Charles the 5th of the holy Roman empire. The viceroy Antonia de Mendoza said for it to be named.
Frontispeace of the codex Mendoza
Master of calamarca, 1680, oil on canvas. Angel is holding arquebus gun. Is dressed like Europeans nobles and has large feathers out of hat like incan nobles. Unnatural pose, mannerism influence. Inscription means fear of God. Part of painting series about jobs of angels in modern day.artist may have been Jose Lopez De Los rios
Angel with arquebus
Miguel Gonzalez, 1698, oil on canvas on wood with mother of pearl. Central picture of Mary and mandalora. Below her is in eagle on cactus. Photos and corner show picture of the virgin of Guadalupe’s life where she appeared to native people and told them to make a shrine she made flowers grow. Shells show Asian influence.
The virgin of Guadalupe
Juan Rodriguez, 1725, oil on canvas. Choose man in fancy clothes, women of darker complexion, servant child carrying the baby of the people. People of darker complexion are drawn with European traits, shows caste system of new world to Europeans. Goal is to show that’s beans have tamed in the indigenous. Spaniards and Europeans are at top of caste system but people under them are still shown with respect.
Spaniard and Indian produce a Mestizo
Circle of the Gonzalez family, 2697-1702, tempra on wood. Once I chose a siege the other shows a hunting scene. Commissioned by viceroy of Spain for Palace. Is used to divide a room, hunting Scene is for domestic meetings, siege is for political. Uses in enconcado technique. Based off tapestry for medicis
Belgrade screen.
Hogarth, 1743, oil on canvas. Is a satirical piece making fun of aristocrats, part of a series. Husband was out cheating, dog is sniffing other ladies bonnet, his sword is broken, simple for awkward stuff. Wife is stretching because she was gambling away their money and cheating. Husband saw and had a fight. Wife is signaling or flashing someone. Many invasion influences show families money. Symbols so there’s someone in the middle of their relationship. Violins are symbol of affair
La téte à téte, from marriage à la mode