larynx and pharynx Flashcards
The pharynx
muscular tube open anteriorly
theres a naso oro and laryno pharynx
muscles of pharynx
superior, middle (smallest by hyoid bone) and inferior pharyngeal constricters
they are continuous with the buccanator m and help push food down
inferior pharyngeal constrictors are subdivided into thyro pharyngeus (attaches to thyroid) and cricco (attaches to cricoid process) pharyngeus
stylo pharyngeus- separates superior and middle
pharynx from the posterior aspect
there is a median pharyngeal raphe that divides the muscles, theres a space between the skull and the superior constricter filled with pharyngobasilar fascia
there is a piriform fossa by epiglottis that contains nerve
features of nasopharynx
auditory tube, tubal elevation torus tubarius, salpingopharyngeus, levator (medial) veli palatini, tensor veli (lateral) palatini, naso pharyngeal tonsil
oropharynx feature
oropharyngeal isthmus- opening from oral cavity to pharynx
palatine tonsils between palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
laryngo pharynx features
piriform fossae on either side of laryngeal inlet(opening of the pharynx into larynx/voice box
innervation of pharynx
pharyngeal plexus= CN IX and X and sympathetic fibers
*Motor: CN X- all muscles of soft palate and pharynx (3 pharyngeal constrictors, salpingopharyngeus, palato pharyngeus); CN IX-stylopharyngeus; CN V3-tensor veli palatini
*sensory: CN IX and CN V2- upper pharynx ; CN X- lower
blood supply and lymphatic drainage of pharynx
ascending pharyngeal artery
jugulodigastric nodes- sore throat enlarges it
difficulty swallowing/ deglutition
larynx/voice box
passageway for air that functions in voice production from laryngo pharynx to trachea
function: voice production
clinical correlations of larynx
laryngitis, vocal polyps, smoking
laryngeal cartilages (thyroid cartilage)
thyroid cartilage- 2plates/laminae fused large more squished in men
- superior cornu (horn)- posteriorly arranged, its an attachment for thryohyoid membrane
- inferior cornu- articulates with cricoid cartilage (bottom cart
- oblique line- attachment for inferior constrictor, sternothyroid, and thyrohyoid muscles
cricoid cartilage
has an anterior arch thats thin and a very broad posterir lamina, forms a complete ring and is the only cartilage that does so, on top there are 2 arytenoid cartilages, on tom of arytenoids are the corniculate cartilages, cuneform cartilages attach the very tip of the corniculate cartilages with the thyrohyoid membrane and are covered with mucosa
arytenoid cartilage
has vocal process that projects anteriorly and attach to the vocal ligament
muscular process that projects laterally and attach to several muscles to allow it to move
the arytenoid cartilage has a synovial joint between it and the cricoid cartilage that allows it to move and swivel medially and laterally
epiglottic cartilage
elastic cartilage that connects to the thyroid cartilage
cricotracheal ligament
connects cricoid and 1st tracheal ring
thyrohyoid membrance
connects thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone
cricothyroid membranes (2)
connect cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage
cricothyroid ligament
cricovocal membranes or lateral cricothyroid ligaments
tent like fibrous sheets that project medially
vocal ligaments
thickened, superior, free edge of cricovocal membranes
conus elasticus
cricovocal membrane and the vocal ligament combined
quadrangular membrane
from epiglottis to arytenoid cartilages looks like a sail
aryepiglottic fold
superior free edge of quadrangular membrane
vestibular ligaments
inferior free edge of the quadrangular membrane
vestibular folds
mucosa that covers vestibular ligaments
vocal folds
mucosa that covers the vocal ligaments, cricovocal membranes and vocalis mmm
rima glottidis
the space between the vocal fold in the horizontal plane
vestibule of larynx
superior to the vestibular fold
ventricle of larynx
between the vestibular and vocal fold
infraglottic cavity
below vocal cords
glossoepiglottic folds
connect tongue and epiglottis have vallecula which are depressions between the tongue anteriorly and epiglottis posteriorly
aditus laryngis
laryngeal inlet going into epiglottis
cricothyroids (intrinsic muscles of the larynx) m
location: between thyroid and cricoid cartilages
action: tilts thyroid cartilage anteriorly, elongating and tightening vocal ligaments-> an increase in pitch of voice
innervation: external laryngeal n
transverse arytenoids m
location: from one arytenoid cartilage to the other
action: pulls arytenoid cartilages together, affecting the width of the rima glottidis
innervation: recurrent laryngeal n
oblique arytenoids m
location: superficial to transverse arytenoids, blend with aryepiglottic m
action: adjusts the size of the laryngeal inlet
innervation: recurrent laryngeal n
posterior cricoarytenoids m
location: from muscular process of arytenoid cartilages to posterior part of cricoid cartilage
action pulls muscular process medially to abduct the vocal folds and open the rima glottidis
innervation: recurrent laryngeal n
thyroarytenoid muscles m
location from posterior surface of thyroid cartilage to arytenoid cartilages
action: pull arytenoig cartilages anteriorly to decrease tension on vocal ligament-> lower pitch
innervation: recurrent laryngeal n
lateral cricoaretenoids
locations from muscular process of arytenoid cartiages to lateral part of cricoid cartilage
action: pull muscular proccess anteriorly to adduct the vocal folds thus closing the rima glottidic
innervation: recurrent laryngeal
innervation of the larynx
superior laryngeal nerve: sensory and motor
internal laryngeal nerve: sensory to mucosa superior to the vocal folds
external laryngeal nerve: motor to cricothyroid muscle
recurrent laryngeal nerve: sensory to mucosa inferior to vocal folds and motor to many intrinsic m of pharynx
muscles of speech
alter space between vocal cords: *posterior cricoarytenoid-opens glottis *lateral cricoarytenoid-closes glottis alter tension of vocal cords: *cricothyroid-elongates and tightens vocal cords *thyroarytenoid and vocalis-shorten vocal cords protect entrance to larynx: *thyroepiglottis *aryepiglottic muscles