Language Skills in Adolescents and Adults Flashcards
______ growth continues throughout _____
______ and ______ skills especially continue to grow
But with aging, there is a _____ _____ in language _______, understanding _______ _______ sentences, and _______
Cognitive growth continues throughout life
Vocabualry and pragmatic skills especially continue to grow
But with aging, there is a slow decline in language comprehension, understanding syntactically complex sentences, and inferencing
If a child is ______ to a _____ ______ after age __ , she will have an _____
_____ exposure to a ______ ______ leads to _____ judgements of _______ correctness
Fluent _______ has great ______ and _____ benefits for children and ______
If a child is exposed to a second language after age 8, she will have an accent
Early exposure to a second language leads to better judgements of grammatical correctness
Fluent bilingualism has great linguistic and cognitive benefits for children and adults
Canadian researcher, Ellen Bialystok showed that ______ adults (french and english) had ___ yrs later _____ of ______ than ______ adults
Canadian researcher, Ellen Bialystok showed that bilingual adults (french and english) had 5-7yrs later onset of dementia than monolingual adults
Pleasure reading may ______ in ________, especially for ______.
The biggest change in adolescents and adults is in ______ function, or the ability to ______ actively with ____ and to ____ and write with ______
Pleasure reading may decline in adolescence, especially for boys.
The biggest change in adolescents and adults is in executive function, or the ability to engage actively with print and to read and write with purpose.
Posnick-Goodwin (2015) looked at the preference of current students and research about ______ vs. _____ books
He found that current _____ school students said they preferred _____ to _____ books. A recent survey found that most _____ students prefer _____ to _____ as well.
Overall, students ____ they ____ more with _____ and are very ______ with digital books
Posnick-Goodwin (2015) looked at the preferences of current students and research about digital vs. print books
He found that current middle school students said they preferred print to digital books. A recent survey found that most college students prefer print to digital.
Overall, students feel they retain more with print and are very distracted with digital books
Jantz (2012) found that there are ___ million FB users ______ or __ out of every __ people on earth.
Many FB users spend ___ per _____ logged on to FB.
Instagram has ____ million active ______ users and there were ___ million US instagram users in 2015
Jantz (2012) found that there are 500 million FB users worldwide, or 1 out of every 13 people on earth.
Many FB users spend 24hrs per month logged on to FB.
Instagram has 300 million active monthly users and there were 77.6 million US instagram users in 2015
We use our _____ _____ to carry out ____ tasks every ____.
Many of us ____ ___ our ______ more than _____ times each _____.
Average owners use their phones for __hrs and __mins per day
We use our cell phones to carry out 221 tasks every day.
Many of us pick up our phones more than 1500 times each week.
Average owners use their phones for 3hrs and 16mins per day
Gold 2015 found that once children hit the _____ years (__ - __), they spend over __hr per day _____.
The average____ (__-___) sends ____ texts per _____
__-___ olds spend __hrs per ____ with _____ _____
__% of _____ online use _____ ______
Gold 2015 found that once children hit the tween years (10-12), they spend over 1hr per day texting.
The average teen (13-17yrs) sends 3939 texts per month.
15-18yr olds spend 8hrs per day with digital tech
80% of teens online use social media
syntax and morphology
_________ _______ - speaker is ______ ______ to others
Children, adolescents, and adults use greater _______ ______ during ______ ______ than in regular _______
Expository monologues - speaker is teaching information to others
Children, adolescents, and adults use greater syntactic complexity during expository monologues than in regular conversation
syntax and morphology
There is an ______ in use of ______ devices to provide _______ and also an ______ in use of ______ clauses
There is an increase in use of bridging devices to provide continuity and also an increase in use of dependent clauses
syntax and morphology
_______ _______ comment on the speakers ______ toward the ______ of the _______ sentence
What are some examples?
Adverbial Disjuncts comment on the speakers attitude toward the content of the connected sentence
- Honestly, to my surprise, in my opinion*
- In my opinion,* beer is better than wine. To my surprise, Sam thinks wine is better than beer. Honestly, I think she is just delusional.
syntax and morphology
_______ _______ are ______ and ______ devices signaling a logical ______ between ______. They are more common in ______ than ______
What are some examples?
Adverbial Conjuncts are cohesions and connective devices signaling a logical relationship between sentences. They are more common in literature than conversation.
To conclude, as a result of, nevertheless
The ability to define ______ increases with ____
Some ____ people might have increased _____ in word ______ and _____
Many _____ people use ______ words like _____ in place of ______ names. This reflects a ______ in ______ ______
The ability to define idioms increases with age
Some older people might have increased difficulty in word retrieval and naming
Many older people use indefinite words like thing in place of specific names. This reflects a decline in working memory
pragmatics and conversational abilities
_____ utterances are ______ (related to what was just said)
_____ use _____ ______ or when the utterance includes an ______ of the ______ utterance but shifts _____ of _____
This is a great skill to persons with _______
Teen utterances are contingent (related to what was just said)
Adults use topic shading or when the utterance includes an aspect of the preceeding utterance but shifts focus of concern
A: Can you believe that Game of Thrones is going into another season?
B: Yeah, some of my favorites are into another season too. Can’t wait till the next season of…
______ adults are less _______ when asking questions about a ______ they have just _____ or _____. This is possibly due to a _____ in ______ ______.
Narratives of _____ have more _____ but contain more ______ content
Older adults are less accurate when asking questions about a narrative they have just heard or retold. This is possibly due to a decline in working memory.
Narratives of seniors have more words but contain more irrelevant content
pragmatics - speaking styles
Often _____ use _____ speech which is ______ oriented and used on _____ occassions
This speech is slower, has more ______, a greater _____ range, and with more precise _______
Often adults use clear speech which is listener oriented and used on formal occassions
This speech is slower, has more pauses, a greater pitch range, and with more precise articulation
pragmatics - gender differences
Women use more _____ words like please, and thank you
Men talk more in _____ and less at _____
Men tend to ______, while women view themselves as _______ _______
Women use more polite words like please, and thank you
Men talk more in public and less at home
Men tend to lecture, while women view themselves as conversational facilitators
pragmatics - gender differences
______ listeners are more likely to ______ a _____ than a ____.
Among men, convos are ______ about ______ ______
______ see convos as a way to _____
Adult listeners are more likely to interrupt a woman than a man.
Among men, convos are rarely about personal feelings
Women see convos as a way to share