Lab Prac 3 Flashcards
What type of fibers are present in lymphoid tissue?
reticular fibers
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- lymphoid nodule
- GC - germinal center
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- M - medulla
- Co - Cortex
- S - septa/septum
- A - adipose tissue
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- Cortex of thymus
- E - epithelial cells
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- Medulla of thymus
- HC - Hassall’s corpuscles
- E - epithelial cells
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- Tonsil
- CT - connective tissue
- GC - germinal centers
- LN - lymphoid nodules
- C - crypts
- E - stratified squamous epithelium
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- C - crypt
- E - stratified squamous epithelium
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
Peyer’s Patch
- N - lymphoid nodule
- V - villus
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- Lymph node
- CT - connective tissue capsule
- LN - lymphoid nodule
- MS and MC - sinuses and cords
- T - trabeculae
- C - cortex
- P - paracortex
- M - medulla
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- lymph node cortex
- C - capsule
- S - sinuses
- N - lymphoid nodules
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
Lymph node medulla
- MC and MS - medullary cords and sinuses
- arrows are pointing to plasma cells
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- C - capsule
- T - trabeculae
- R - red pulp
- W - white pulp
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- W - white pulp
- R - red pulp
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- Red pulp of spleen
- S - sinusoids
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate? What are the black pointers showing in the image to the L, what is in the image to the R?
L pic
- Top - mucosa
- Mid - Submucosa
- 2nd Mid - muscularis
- bottom - muclaris
R pic
- E - stratified squamous
- LP - lamina propria
- MM - smooth muscle of muscularis mucosa
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
Muscularis of esophagus
- SSE - nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- LP - lamina propria
- MM and Sm - smooth muscle of muscularis mucosa
- GL - mucus glands
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- SCE - simple columnar epithelium
- SSE - simple squamous epithelium
- MM - smooth muscle of muscularis
- LP - lamina propria
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
Stomach mucosa
- P - gastric pits
- GG - gastric glands
- MM - muscularis mucosa
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
Rugae of stomach
- M - mucosa
- V - villus
- SM - submucosa
- ME - muscularis externa
- S - serosa
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
- P - gastric pits - lead to gastric glands
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
A) GP - gastric pits
- MM - muscularis mucosa
B and C) P - parietal cells
- C - chief cells
What structure is shown here? What does each letter indicate?
Pyloric region of stomach
- P - gastric pits
- G - pyloric glands
- LP - lamina propria
What structure is shown here? What does each line indicate?
Small intestine
1 - intestinal lumen
2 - Villi
3. simple columnar epithelium
4 - lamina propria
5 - goblet cells
6 - microvilli