Chapter 1 - Histology and its method of study Flashcards
- structure of individual cells w/n a tissue, and structure of different types of tissues
- function of cells and tissues, roles in different organ systems
Who were the scientists that received a Nobel prize for histology? What did they do?
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal and Camillo Golgi
- determined the structure of neurons in the brain with staining method
What is the ideal goal of specimen prep?
to preserve the tissue’s structure
- sometimes not possible because of where the sample comes from or other circumstances
- Step 1 of specimen prep
- strong chemical used to preserve structure and prevent microbial degradation
- irreversibly cross links and denature proteins
What fixatives are used for LM and EM?
- 4% formaldehyde for LM
- Glutaraldehyde and OsO4 for EM
- both methods prevent immunochemistrical methods
Dehydration and clearing
- Step 2 of specimen prep
- water from fixation is removed using dehydrator like alcohol, and then the dehydrator is cleared
What are the chemicals used for dehydration and clearing?
- ethanol - dehydration
- xylene - clearing
- Step 3 of specimen prep.
- Sample is put into some kind of wax or solid matrix, which is then trimmed away so the sample is ready for sectioning and staining
What different matrixes are used for embedding?
- Parffin - LM
- Epoxy resin for EM, much more stable then paraffin b/c EM requires much thinner slices
Sectioning, what are the different types for LM and EM?
- Step 4 of specimen prep
- Microtome - glass knife, used for LM, 1-10 micrometers
- Ultramicrotome - diamond knife, used for EM, 50 nanometers
What type of sectioning does not require fixation?
- cryosectioning
- frozen w/ liquid nitrogren, the sectioned in a cooled microtome
- used in biopsies
- provides contrast so that the sample can be seen easier w/ the microscope
- also enhances certain features
Histochemical staining
general staining, nonspecific
Special staining
selectively stain certain cellular components of particular molecules like an enzyme
- important in diagnosis of some diseases
Basophilic cell component staining
- negatively charged molecules
- methylene blue, toluidine blue, hematoxylin
- stains intense in the nucleus and some cytoplasmic granules