Lab Prac. 1 Flashcards
The vast majority of the cell’s life is spent in ________. This is the phase in which the cell carries out its primary functions
Interphase subdivision where the cell carriesout its specialized function
G0 Phase
Interphase subdivision where the cell is preparing for cell division.
manufacture of organelles outside the nucleus is increased to provide enough for two cells.
G1 Phase
Interphase subdivision where the chromosomes within thenucleus are duplicated
S Phase
Interphase subdivision that finishes up the preparations for cell division, being devoted to last-minute protein synthesis and the completion of centriole replication.
G2 Phase
Nuclear membrane disappears. Duplicated chromosomes (CENTRIOLES) condense out of the chromatin and START to move towards opposite poles on the cell.
Mitosis (phases)
Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
The two copied chromosomes are referred to as ______ in prophase.
What phase ends with the nuclear membrane disappearing and the chromosomes becoming attached to the spindle fibers, via thecentromere?
Duplicated chromosomes line up individually along theequatorial zone of the cell.
The centromere of each chromosome splits and the individual
chromatids separate, each one migrating toward one pole of the cell along the spindlefibers.
A nuclear membrane forms around each new group of chromosomes; the chromosomes begin to unwind and become less distinct.
Also starts to form a cell membrane along the equator
During sexual reproduction, chromosomes in the nucleus come in pairs called ________.
Homologues or Homologous Chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes come together, an event known as _____.
Homologous chromosomes come together, an event known as synapsis, to form a four-stranded chromosome pair, called a ______.
Which phase does this take place in?
Prophase I
Tetrads line up at the ________ plate.
Metaphase I
tetrads break up, with one chromosome from each homologous pair pulled to the opposite pole of the cell.
Anaphase I
Ends up with two daughter cells, each with the haploid number of double-stranded chromosomes.
Telophase I
The process of cytoplasmic division.
Cytokinesis occurs in which phase.
Prophase (of Mitosis, Meiosis I and Meiosis II)