Lab exam 1- protist groups Flashcards
Excavata group:
Euglenozoa subgroups:
Euglenida and kinetiplastida
What is SAR mean
Stramenophile, Alveolata, Rhizaria
Stramenophile groups:
Oomycota (water molds) and Bacillariophyta (diatoms)
Alveolata groups:
Dinoflagellatas, Apicomplexa, Ciliata
Rhizaria groups:
Foraminifera and Radiolaria
plants and red and green algae
Unikonta groups:
Amoebozoa and slime mold
Amoebozoa description
Lob shaped pseudopodia
Radiolaria description
Sphereical or radically symmetrical; tests made out of silica; looks like spiky ball
multi chambered shell; tests of calcium carbonate
Ciliata description
Cilia used for feeding and locomotive; 2 nuclei; ex: paramecium
Apicomplexa description
Complex organelles at their apex; vestigial plastid: apicoplast
Dinoflagellatas description
2 flagella’s in groves; armor
Bacillariphyta description
Hydrated silica plates; carbs stored as larminarin
Oomycota description
Grows in hyphae; eggs like structure oogonium
Kinetoplastida description
Mitochondria called : kinetoplast; flagella and undulating cell membrane for movement
Euglenida description
2 flagella; stigma; pellicle flexible