Lab Flashcards
resolving power = ____
light wavelength/ (2 x NA-numerical aperture)
microscope steps
1) turn on - 3 blue LED lights
2) push iris lever to left -> allow the most light
3) raise stage up on 4x lens
4) raise condenser up
5) close iris diaphragm until we see only a point of light
6) center the light in middle with screws
7) lower condenser until light is crisp
8) lower condenser slightly until under stage
9) reopen iris diaphragm
microscope clean up checklist
-clean 100x lens
-light turned off
-stage lowered
-4x lens
-eyepieces wiped with kimwipe & ethanol
gram stain slide steps
1) large circle on underside of slide with grease pencil
2) flame loop
3) broth: one loop of broth; plate: 1 loop of H2O + part of small colony
4) flame loop
5) dry smears
6) heat fix by passing through flame
gram staining steps
1) wear gloves
2)1-2 drop of crystal violet for 1 min
3) wash with H2O
4) 1-2 drops of iodine for 1 min
5) wash with H2O
6) wash ethanol (8-10 sec)
7) wash with H2O gently
8) 1-2 drops of safarinin for 1 min
9) wash with H2O & pat dry & remove gloves
catalase test
-determines presence of catalase (protects cell from H2O2); bubbles formed (+)
-aseptically place heavy colony in H2O2
oxidase test
-determines presence of cytochrome c oxidase (part if ETC); TMPD is e- donor -> when oxidized it is blue/purple
-aseptically place heavy colony in paper + 2-3 drops of TMPD
ONPG test
-determines ability to hydrolyze lactose; uses ONPG (similar to lactose) as substrate of B-galactosidase -> product is yellow
-aseptically place heavy colony in ONPG, incubate @ 37C for 1 hour max
urease test
-determines presence of urease; urea hydrolyzed to produce ammonia -> rise in pH, indicator turns cerise
-aseptically place heavy colony in urea, incubate @ 37C for 1 hour max
DMCA test
-determines presence of tryptophanase; DMCA lyses cells to release indole (made during tryptophan metabolism) -> indole reacts with DMCA -> blue-green colour
-aseptically place heavy colony in paper + 2-3 drops of DMCA
EMB Agar (can you ferment lactose?)
mixed acid fermentation - blue/metallic green (lactose +)
butanediol - fish eye (lactose +)
lactose non-fermenters - pale/colourless/ pale pink/red (lactose -)
MAC Agar (can you ferment lactose?)
bright pink (lactose fermenter)
pinkish tan gelatinous (lactose fermenter)
small circular white/ very pale pink (lactose non-fermenter)
(gram -) oxidase -, onpg -, urease +, dmca +
proteus vulgaris
(gram -) oxidase -, onpg +, urease -, dmca +
escherichia coli
(gram -) oxidase -, onpg +, urease -, dmca -
klebsiella aerogenes
(gram -) oxidase +, onpg -
bile-esculin test
-grow presence of bile & hydrolyze esculin ; hydrolysis produces glucose -> agar turn brown-black
-aseptically streak heavy colony on slant, incubate @ 37C for 1 hour max
BAP test (blood hemolysis)
-gram + cocci produce hemolysins (lyse (sheep) RBC)
-streak on BAP + parafilm + incubate 37C
-a hemolysis (green zones around colonies)
-B hemolysis (clearing or lysing of RBC)
-y hemolysis (no clearing of RBC)
MSA (can you ferment mannitol)
-NaCl, mannitol, pH indicator phenol red
-mannitol ferment. -> acidic products -> red to yellow media
-non-path staph doesn’t ferment mannitol -> media remained red
( gram +) catalase +, B-hemolysis (clearing)
Staphylococcus aureus
( gram +) catalase +, Y hemolysis (no clearing)
Staphylococcus epidermis
( gram +) catalase -, bile esculin -, B-hemolysis (clearing)
Streptococcus pyogenes
( gram +) catalase -, bile esculin +, a/Y-hemolysis (greening/no clearing)
Enterococcus faecalis
(gram +) MSA yellow medium
Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis