Lab 11 - Chordata I Flashcards
four characteristics of Chordata
- dorsal hollow nerve cord
- notochord
- pharyngeal gill slits
- post-anal tail
post-anal tail
pharyngeal slits
jaw and middle ear bones
intervertebral discs
dorsal hollow nerve cord
well developed spinal nerve
Chordata has these Subphylum (3)
- Urochordata
- Cephalochordata
- Craniata
Subphylum Craniata contains these Clades (In Chordata 1) (3)
- Vertebrata
- Gnathostomata
- Osteichthyes
Craniata contains these Classes (4)
- Myxini
- Petromyzontida
- Chondrichthyes
- Actinopterygii
Subphylum Craniata Class Myxini has what kind of animals?
Subphylum Craniata Class Petromyzontida has what kind of animals?
Subphylum Craniata Class Chondrichthyes has what kind of animals?
cartilaginous fish
Subphylum Craniata Class Actinopterygii has what kind of animals?
ray-finned fish
Subphylum Urochordata has what kind of animals? (2)
tunicates and sea squirts
the larvae of Subphylum Urochordata are…(2)
- free swimming
- exhibit all four chordate characteristics
adults of Subphylum Urochordata are sessile/free-living?
what have adults of subphylum Urochordata resorbed as adults? (3)
- nerve cord
- notochord
- post-anal tail
what is the only Chordate to have an open circulatory system?
Subphylum Urochordata
Subphylum Cephalocordata has what kinds of animals?
do members of Subphylum Cephaocordata display all four characteristics of Chordates?
yes, their whole lives!
T/F members of Cephalocordata are small partially burrowing filter feeders
what is the first group to have dorsal/ventral aorta and segmented musculature?
Subphylum Cephalocordata
Subphylum Craniata consists of what types of animals? (2)
- hagfish
- all other derived organisms
defining characteristics of Craniata (5)
- complex sensory organs
- heart
- hemoglobin
- muscular gut
Subphylum Craniata contains what Classes that belongs to none of the clades discussed?
defining characteristics of Clade Vertebrata
- vertebrae
- two or more semicircular ear canals
Clade Vertebrata contains what Class (this is the only Clade it belongs to)?
Petromyzontida - lamprey
Class Petromyzontida has what kind of animals?
Class Petromyzontida is the most basal group of Vertebrates, meaning…(2)
(1) they have no true bony vertebra, instead (2) they have a series of cartilage structures called arcualia
do members of Class Petromyzontida have jaws?
how many gill slits do members of Class Petromyzontida have?
Class Petromyzontida contains ecto/endoparasites?
defining characteristic of Gnathstomata
Gnathostomata’s only Class is….
Class Chondrichthyes has what kinds of animals? (4)
- sharks
- skates
- rays
- chimaeras