LA Arthropod Borne Infectious Dz Flashcards
What is Redwater fever?
- Bovine Babesiosis = tick fever
- Babesia spp. B divergens, bigemia, bovis
- Ixodes ricinis common vetor
Tick habitat
- rough pasture
- moorland and heathland
- high humidity
- presence of other vertebrate hosts
When is the tick feeding season?
- March - June, peak April-May
- also some sutumn feeding ticks but all activity ceases in winter
What type of haemolysis is associated with? Other clinical signs? What is severity dependant on?
- anaemia
- pyrexia
- jaundice
- death 24hr acute illness
- hemogolobinuria
> severity varies w/ previous exposure and ENDEMICITY (endemic stability) - calves
Dx of bovine babesiosis?
> Blood smear
- sample from peripheral (ear/tail) capillaires
- thin smear (airdried and ifxed)
- thick smear (not fixed, allows concentration of parasites)
- morphological variability (annular stages, pear-haped (pyriform) trophozoites singly or in pairs and filamentous/amorphous shapes)
- gold standard
- surveilance and export certification
- uually indirect fluorescent Ab (IFAT) or ELISA
- Control of bovine babesiosis?
- acaricides can v incidence (but only need 1 infected tick for transmission!)
- tick habitat removal
- avoid pastures
- deliberately graze young stock on known Babesia/tick pastures
- live attenuated available
Tx bovine babesia
- Anti-parasite eg. Imidocarb
- - Supportive tx
Is BAbesia zoonotic?
- YEEESSSS - B. Divergens causes rare, serious, acute dz in splenectomised people
What does A. phagocytophila (used to be ehrlichia phagocyt) cause in cattle?
> Tickborne fever
- RIckettsial parasite of leukocytes
- main vector IXodes Ricinis
- affects sheep(goats), cattle, horses, dogs
- maintained in sylvatic lifecycle (tick and wildlife)
cause of ‘human granulocytic anaplasmosis’
pathogensis of Tick-borne fever?
> Intracytoplasmic inclusions: Neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes
Immune suppression (leukopenia, neutropenia, v phagocytosis) ->
- Asymptomatic (mostly)
- ^ Susceptibility to dz eg. tick pyaemia [s. pyogenes], louping ill, pasteurella pneumonia
- Tick Borne fever (fever and abortion in sheep and goats, fever milk drop, respiraotry signs in cattle
Clinical signs of Tick-borne fever (anaplasma phagocytophila)
- aymptomatic
- ^ susceptibility of other dz
- tick borne fever (fever and abortion sheep and goats/fever, milk drop and respiratory signs in cattle)
What is the only endemic flavivirus of the UK?
Louping ill virus
- upland areas Scotland, Wales, NW/SW england
Which animaals are affected by louping ill?
- sheep
- young unvaccinated
Clinical signs of Louping ill?
- neuro signs
- pyrexia and paresis
Is louping ill zoonotic?
Yes but
- Which disease is related to Louping ill and how does it differ?
- TBEV (endemic Europe and Asia)
> tick borne encephalitis virus - does not cause disease in livestock
- same vector (Ixodes Ricinis)
Is EIA zoonotic?
What transmits EIA?
- big fat flies (stablefly, horseflies) limited range
- saliva, nasal secretions, feacces, semen, ova, embreyos
- fomites
- in utero