Equine Neonatal Dz Flashcards
When is colostrum produced?
Last 2 weeks pregnancy
- selective secretion of Ig from serum and local production
What soluble compounds are in colostrum?
- Ig (mainly IgG and IgGT, some IgM and IgA)
- hormones
- growth factors
- cytokines
- lactoferrin
CD14 - enzyems/lysozymes
Cellular compounds colostrum
- lymphocytes
- macrophages
- neutrophils
- epithelial cells
Hoe much colostrum should foal drnk?
1-2l in first 3h life
How is Ig absorbed?
Pinocytosis by specialised enterocytes 12-24hrs after birth
When are Ig levels measured?
- 18-24hrs
detectable in serum @ 4-6hrs, peak 18-24
How long do passive transfer Abs alst? When do foals Igs levels increase?
~ a month
- foals Ig reaches adult level ~5-10 months
so nadir around ~1month old
Reasons for FPT?
> maternal - lack of colostrum (premature lactation) -poor uality low conc IgG (SG foal - contracture of tendons, neonatal asphyxia syndrome, sepsis - rejected by mare > lack of absorption - time frame (ingested too late) - GIT dz (hypoxic damage)
Consequence of FPT?
- pdf development infectious dz
- sepsis (arthritis, pneumnoia D+, meningitis)
Define complete and partial FPT
How can FPT be dx ?
- Total protein (Igs are protein)
- Snap test (ELISA) blood
- Colostrum SG
> Colostrum NGT
- if under 12hrs
- no signs systemic compromise
- 1-2L equine colostrum SG >1.060
- 200-400ml at a time
- NGT (not syringe) dont waste and may assphyxiate
IV plasma
- 1-2L
- foal >8hrs, 12-18hrs
- signs systemic dz
- if no high quality colostrum available
- commercially available (1L bags, 15-17g/L IgG)
- 1L increases IgG conc by 2-3g/L
1L plasma w/ >25g/L IgG ^ IgG conc by 4-8g/L
NB: if foal sick will use up Abs, repeat
Outline plasma administation
- diazepam sedation
- monitor for signs of plasma reaction (slowly so signs will e noticed early)
- 1 drop,sec (3ml/mmin)
- check HR
Tx plasma reactions?
- stop
- 1mg/kg flunixin +- IV fluid
- wait 1-2hrs, restart tansfusion slowly
- try using different batch/donor (shouldnt react to multiple)
What is neonatal isoerythrolysis? pathogenesis
- IMHA of newborn foal d/t imcompatible bllood types of mare and foal
- mare put to stallion of different blood group, foal inheits this
- placenta breached at some point, mare makes immune response to foals blood (1st preg)
- 2nd preg colostrum full of Abs against its own blood type
- antibodies coat RBC intra and extra vascaulr haemolysis
What are the main blood antigens in the horse?
Aa +/-
Qa +/-
Which species is NI very common in?
- d/t donkey factor!!
Clinical signs of NI?
- normal at first, no FPT, clinical signs up to 12d pp! but usually
Dx NI?
> clin path
- anamia
- haemaglobinuria
- haemoglobinaemia
- ^ unconjugated bilirubin
- metablic acidosis
- pre-renal/renal azotaemia
- toxic hepatopathy / hypoxic hepatocellular necrosis
- possible despite IgG Haemolytic cross mach
- ID haemolysis of foals WBC by mares serum with addition of external (Rabbit!) complement
- evaluate for signs of agglutiation if no compleemnt available but false -ve possible.
Tx NI?
NI prevention?
> mare w/ hx NI
- determine blood group of sire
- test serum for alloAbs
- prevent any colostrum intake if same sire/other incompatible sire if is used