Abnormlaities of the erythrom 2 Flashcards
How can you test for meleana?
- meat free diet (red meat) for 5d before test or will be positive
- not always visable blood
- “feacal occult blood” very sensitive but NOT specific
Causes of increased losses?
> haemorrhage (external) - meleana - UT - Epistaxis - Post-trauma/surgery > haemorrhage (internal) - bleeding tumour - trauma - into tissue (bleeding diathesis) - surgery > haemolysis - ^ internal RBC destruction - intra v extravascualr - normal erythrocytes or abnormal/damaged ?
What is the most common form of haemolyss? Dxx?
- anti-redcell Ab (IgG, IgM, IgA)
- red cells opsonised -> lysis (IgM) or phagocytosis
- may agglutinate
- Coombs test + (for anti RBC Ab)
- may be severe/rapid, usually strongly regenerative
What is seen microscopically with IMHA? Ddx?
> agglutination
- flaky blood macroscopicallly
- grape like bunches of RBC
- in saline agglutination test (screening)
- one drop saline one EDTA anticoagulated blood mix on slide
- look for flecking before starts to dry (will still occour if AGGLUTINATION, will get rid of ROULEUX artefact)
Ddx = Rouleaux artefact
- stack of coins
- high protein stuck on RBC
- gritty, lumpy macroscopically
- but not pathological
What causes intravascular haemolysis? How is this seen?
> complement mediated
- ghost cells (barey visable, membrane still present, Hbg gone)
What causes extravascular haemolysis?
- macrophages in liver/spleen
- takes bites out of lipid bilayer -> spherical cell (spherocytes) as membrane reforms
- smaller, and very dark (no central pallor)
- normal volume though diameter will appear less
What else may be found with IMHA? Dxxx
- ^ bilirubin (esp with extravascular breakdown)
- neutrophilia, monocytosis (marrow upregulation)
- patelets may also be affected (Evans syndrome IMHA+ platelets)
What parasites may cause haemolysis?
> mycoplasma haemofelis and M. haemominutum (formerly haemobartonella) - epicellular - large and small forms - ^ fragility and hameolysis - cyclical 3-8 weeks - not in UK > Babesia (dogs, USA, mediterranean) - tick borne dz - pyriform bodies INSDIE RBC - haemolytic > Cytauxzoon felis (US) - intracellular - prominant splenic RBC removal
Dx of mycoplasma haemofelis?
- PCR excellent
- blood smear not reliable
Tx babesia?
- Imidocarb
Which animals develop Heinz bodies more readily?
- low number unremarkable in cats
What are heinz bodies and how do they appear?
- denatured/oxidised Hbg
- Little ‘nose’ on cell, same colour of RBC
Causes of Heinz body formation?
- onions
- paracetamol
- Vit K
- propylene glycol
What are eccentrocytes?
- Hbg uneven distribution within the cell -> eccentric distribution
- oxidative damage to membrane (cf. Heinz - Hbg)
- seen most commonly in dogs, seen horses with red maple toxicosis
What are schistocytes and keratocytes?
- Shear injury products d/t microangiopathic dmage (tumours w/ narrow vessels eg. angiosarcoma) or organ inflammatory beds (severe hepatitis, DIC) d/t fibrin stranding cutting them in half
- Clue to underlying disease vs cause
> schistocytes - RBC fragments 2* to shear injury
- assoc with fibrin deposition in vessels and DIC