L9 - Organisational Psychology 1 Flashcards
What is organisational psychology all about?
The science of people at work
Psychology applied to ‘work’
What does I-O Psychologist stand for?
Industrial-Organisational Psychologist
What does an Industrial/Organisational Psychologist do?
Help improve productivity in corporate environments.
Why are I/O psychologists needed in business?
Constant changing environments due to technology and globalisation means I/O psychoogists need to come in to help businesses need expert specialists to solve new work problems arising.
I/O Psychology focuses on the individual or the social aspect of Psychology?
What do Organisational Psychologists specialize in?
Analysing organisations and their people and devising strategies to recruit, motivate, develop, change and inspire
What are the 2 sides of organisational psychology?
Science and Practice
How does Science relate to organisational psychology?
I/O psychology is scientific inquiry concerned with advancing knowledge about people at work.
How does Practice relate to organisational psychology?
The application of knowledge to solve real problms in the world of work
e.g. use research findings to better hire employees, reduce absenteeism, improve communication, increase job satisfaction and solve other problems
What psychology model is I/O psychology based on?
Scientist-Practitioner Model
What 4 work settings do I/O Psychologists work in?
What are the 5 professional activities of organisational psychologists outlined by Muchinsky (2016)?
1) Selection and Placement (developing assessment methods for selection, performance appraisal and promotion)
2) Training and Development (identifying employee skills that need to be enhanced to improve job performance)
3) Performance Management (designing ways to better assess work behaviour and providing helpful feedback to improve performance)
4) Organisational Effectiveness (maintaining or improving the quality of the workforce and the quality of relationships with customers and suppliers important for success)
5) Quality of Work Life (factors that contribute toa healthy and productive workforce important to the health of the individual and the productivity of the organisation)
What are some I/O psychological specific areas of practice according to the APS?
Name 5
How long does it take to get a organisational psychology after honours?
What is the degree called?
2 years of study
Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors degree)
What to Greek words does organisation originate from?
“Organon” - meaning ‘tool’
“Ergon - meaning ‘work’
What do organisations need to do to produce a productive and good healthy and happy work environment?
utilise the skills and talents of people
Coordinate activities of employees
Manage their workforce
What are the 3 levels at which an organisational psychologist will work within an organisation?
In the Financial Review (Juny 2019) what recommendations were made because of the Royal Commission?
Recommendation for organisational psychologists to be in the boardrooms of the countries biggest companies.
What were the reactions from non-executive directors after the ASIC recommended having organisational psychologists observing the inner workings of 21 major companies?
What do organisational psychologists use to improve workplace behaviour and performance
An understanding of organisational behaviour
What kinds of data do organisational psychologists use?
Qualitative Data
Interviews (managers, employees)
Open ended questions