L6 - Refugees and Mental Health 2 Flashcards
What are 5 potential interventions we can use to treat refugees who suffer from trauma related issues?
- Family Therapy (collectivist cultures)
- Arts-based therapy
- Animal-assisted therapies (doesn’t rely on literacy and can be client directed)
- “Tool boxes” - to support therapy with children
* Need to remember cultural variations in relation to these therapies*
Family therapy is good for which type of culture?
Collectivist culture
What type of therapy is good for healing intergenerational trauma
Family therapy
Which intervention is good for resolving family conflict?
Family therapy
Is family therapy rigid or flexible?
- sometimes just talking, problem solving together*
- You go to the communities rather than the communities come to you*
What are the benefits for the client in regards to using arts-based or animal-based therapies?
Allows the refugee clients to direct the therapy - helps build trust
Doesn’t rely on literacy
Builds on clients strengths
- client led approach - tell them what might help but let them decide*
- leads to building trust*
Trauma informed yoga is part of what type of theraputic approach
Arts-based therapy
What is the “tool boxes” for children approach to therapy?
Using toys (e.g. dolls) which have the names of emotions on their faces to help kids identify what they might be feeling
using these tools to identify what emotions kids are feeling in order to help diagnose and treat them
Which therapy is best for focusing on a childs emotional literacy and on managing emotions & avoiding increased emotional arousal?
“Tool Boxes” for children
What is the aim of trauma-based therapies like tool boxes for children in regards to outcomes in children?
Help children “retrain” their automatic fight/flight response and reduce fear and anxiety and trauma
What does the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental
Health (ACPMH) (2007) guidelines for working with people with PTSDadvocate for as the best approach to use for working with refugee clients?
Holistic Approach
- e.g. working with schools, families etc. - not individualistic but social determinants of health approach*
- But are consistent with DSM model of PTSD, and hence argue that primary focus should be on treatment of trauma symptoms*
What guidelines does the ACPMH recommend for working with refugees?
- Using culturally appropriate screening for refugees and asylum seekers at high risk of developing PTSD
- Interpreters should be available and used as required
- Acknowledge holistic appraoches
- Highlight need to recognise guilt and shame
What is the main issue with screening for PTSD in refugees currently?
Not many culturally appropriate measures
Should we apply the same empirical approach to all refugees?
No - we cannot provide a ‘one size fits all’ approach - must be culturally relevant
Refugees should be worked on in a case-by-case basis and not given a universally applicable treatment
What are the benefits of using a translator
- Builds Trust with Refugee
- Cultural interpretation of words (e.g. heavy heart can = depression)
- Overcoming language boundaries
What are some issues with using an interpreter?
o Issues of confidentiality
o Issue of impact upon therapeutic alliance – though this can be positive
o “Cultural broking”
o Norms of communication
o Consideration of health and wellbeing for interpreters – eg when discussing sensitive topics
o Use of family members
o Small – new and emerging - communities
The social determinants of health approach focuses on what aspect of the client in order to help their mental health?
Social Determinants
Such as improving their housing, education, employment etc. situation
When dealing with refugees, we should use ______ informed care
trauma-informed care
What is trauma-informed care?
Breaking down what caused their trauma then building them back up again so they can handle their trauma in their lives
- Helping the client understand the trauma that the situation has had on the clients lives so they can move past it*
- must be culturally relevant*
Assessments when working with refugees must take into account both ______ and _____ needs.
Practical needs (holistic approaches)
Social Determinants of Health Approach is what type of approach?
holistic approach
A high prevence of psychosomatic “complaints” may be evidence of ______
What must we understand when we are starting mental health treatment regarding young refugees?
3 things
- How trauma may manifest itself in young children
(e.g. behavioural changes)
2. That this cohort of children are often resilient
(interventions should build on their strength)
3. The importance of building rapport and trust
Family situations
Types of Trauma experienced
Cultural background
These all have a great impact on what treatment will be best for the child refugee - this shows the importance of understanding ______ when treating children
What are the 6 competencies we must have when working with refugee children with psychological trauma
- *1. Knowledge of complexity of needs of refugees**
- *2. Holistic approaches**
- *3. Ability to work across sectors/others in child’s network**
- *4. Ability to build therapeutic relationships**
- • Trust and rapport*
- *5. Ability to make clients feel listened to**
- • Client-led approach*
- *6. Cultural competency**