L5- Overview And History Of Educational Psychology Flashcards
What is educational psychology?
It is the psychology of learning and teaching in educational settings.
It draws knowledge from psychology disciplines and other disciplines.
Educational psychology is used to apply to educational settings
What is educational psychology used for?
Educational psychology is used to apply to educational settings
What are the three components to educational psychology?
=acquisition of new knowledge, as well as ways to deal with cognitive problem and emotion motivation solving.
-includes learning how to learn
-formal (school, teacher) and informal learning (learning is a by-product of activity, any setting, family members)
=this is the individual who helps the learner to learn
Direct instruction and scaffolding teaching
Educational setting
= school, uni, family, company, sports team (anywhere)
Explain what education was like within victorian times:
Children were depicted a miniature adults where childhood was a special time to prepare to be an adult.
Adolescence was apparent at this time but was an early idea
Treated like adults and contributed by working.
Typically children did not have formal education
Teach style was acquisition of skills: apprenticeship. (Watch and do)
Had university at 14-15 at 5/6am (for specific professions)
What was education like in the 19th century industrial revolution?
The nature of work from victorian times had changed. This was because a more educated work force was required.
- increase in unions, and wealth and education demands
- all children required to be in education in England and whales 1880
- had the three r’s of education:
- read
- rite
- rithmatics
-large classes with a direct, instruction and transmissive teaching style.
What was education like in the 20th century? How did this change after the second war?
1944 act changed education system, where universally free school for children up to 15. Designed to support industry workers.
Infant school, junior school and then at 11 :
- grammar school
- technical school
- secondary modern school
Iq assessment at 11 also.
After world war 2:
-dewy and Paigets work became prt of teaching training. This influenced the making of the plowden report (make education evidence based, child-centred education, discovery learning)
1998 educaiton act
What is education like in the 21st century?
All children in mainstream education unless good reason as to it being counterproductive
Applies for children w disabilities or SEN
Define attention:
Processing information into working memory (form perception or lt memory)
Two types of attention
What are the two types of attention?
1; any processing of information (into working memory)
2:selective attention (processing selective information, if we attended to all things we would be cognitively overwhelmed
What is concentration?
Attention can be controlled ,effortful, conscious and automatic
This is vital fpr learning, ADHD has a deficit in ability to concentrate
What are the three stages of information processing model?
Perception, attention
Working memory
Long term memory
What is LT declarative knowledge
“Knowing that”
Semantic and episodic knowledge
Can be conscious and require effort to retrieve
What is LT procedural knowledge
“Knowing how”
Unconscious and automatic , the retrieval is effortless
What are the three types of memory?
Where does information go after being in the central execuative?
Visuospatial sketch pad
Episodic buffer
Phonological loop
Why is there multiple learning types?
Not just one learning type can explain learning
List the learning types:
Each has strengths and weaknesses
Strengths and weaknesses of conditioning?
Conditioning can not explain learning through observation, thinking and problem solving
Orthodox behaviourists claim conditioning explains all humans learning
Conditioning is important in acquiring emotions motivation and social behaviour
What is cognitive problem solving and what are some examples
Overcoming obstacles through cognition
Solving hard maths
Writing an essay
Understand complex text
Constructing a low emission car engine
When does observational learning occur? In presence of who?
Others who are experts, powerful, similar to us
Behaviours which are reinforced and performed competently
What us self directed learning?
Self directed where the learner defines goals and strategies. They self moniter progress and self evaluate