L4: Sex, reproduction & development Flashcards
what is the purpose of reproduction?
to replace individuals, allow for adaptations, and transmit genetic material, allowing populations to outlive individuals
compare asexual vs sexual reproduction
sexual occurs with the fusion of a male gamete & female gamete, & offspring are genetically unique
asexual occurs from one parent, without fusion of gametes, & offspring are clones
which type of reproduction is advantageous in stable conditions?
identify the 4 types of asexual reproduction
- fission (separation of parent into 2 or more offspring)
- budding (new individuals from outgrowths of existing ones)
- fragmentation (breaking of body into pieces & develop into adults)
- gemmulation (formation of new individual form aggregation of cells surrounded by resistant capsule (dead parent)
identify & describe the process where gametes are formed
meiosis - cell divides once, but splits twice, so each cell has half the genetic material from the parent cell
identify two exceptions to bi-parental sexual reproduction
- hermaphroditism (both female & male organs in same individual)
- parthenogenesis (development of new individual from unfertilised egg)
identify the advantages of meiosis allowing for recombination of genes
- variation in offspring
- reproductive success of parents in changing environment
- rate of adaptation
possible elimination of harmful genes while still allowing survival
decribe spermatozoa / sperm
the male gamete
consists of head (containing nucleus) & flagella to allow swimming
describe ovum / egg
female gamete
larger, energetically expensive, & fewer in number
contains yolk (nutrients for growing individual)
identify the purpose of reproductive systems
to produce & deliver gametes through gonads (ovaries or testes)
what is a monotreme?
animal with a single opening for digestive, excretory & reproductive system
. . . in reproductive organ shapes must mean organs of the opposite sex must be diverse
compare external fertilisation vs internal fertilisation
external - eggs are shed by female & fertilised by male in external environment
internal - fertilisation occurs within female reproductive tract & requires behaviour interactions & compatible organs
identify how timing of fertilisation is facilitated
- hormones telling when female is ovulating
- pheromones telling when fertile
- reproductive cycle
identify the term for the release of mature eggs at midpoint of a female cycle
how can readiness to mate be indicated?
behaviours & displays
embryos require an . . . environment to develop
identify the 5 steps to complete fertilisation
- contact (sperm contacts egg’s jelly coat)
- acrosomal reaction (sperm bind to egg, egg receptors recognise same species of sperm)
- fusion (closing off egg to other sperm)
- cortical reaction (sperm inside egg)
- entry of sperm nucleus (dna synthesis & cell division)
identify the 5 stages of embryogenesis
- cell division / cleavage
- body axis formation
- tissue development / gastrulation
- organ development / organogenesis
- cell differentiation / specialisation
what occurs during the process of cleavage?
rapid mitotic cell divisions without cell growth
first 5-7 divisions produce blastula (hollow ball of cells) surrounding the blastocoel (fluid-filled cavity)
describe the body axis formation
determined by cleavage patterns, the migration of these forms the different symmetry body types
compare the animal pole vs vegetal pole
animal pole - region of zygote where cleavage division is rapid, less yolk, smaller blastomeres
vegetal - slow division, more yolk, larger blastomeres
describe the process of gastrulation
formation of 3 embryonic germ layers
- ectoderm (outer) mesoderm (middle) & endoderm (inner, lines digestive tract)
describe the process of cell specialisation
genes release cues telling cells where to grow & divide, to form organs & limbs