L4, L6- Clinical Epidemiology Diagnosis Flashcards
gold standard may also be referred to as….
reference or criterion standard
false positive can also be referred to as…..
type I or α error
false negative can also be referred to as…..
type II or β error
sensitivity is also known as (1) and is usually high for tests used for (screening/diagnosis)
1- true positive rate (TPR)
2- screening
specificity is also known as (1) and is usually high for tests used for (screening/diagnosis)
1- true negative rate (TNR)
2- diagnostic
validity/accuracy or (internal/external) validity is defined as (2)
1- internal validity
2- how well or accurate the study is conducted
generalizability or (internal/external) validity is defined as (2)
1- external validity
2- can results be generalized to the entire population
validity = (accuracy / precision)
reliability = (accuracy / precision)
SNNOUT indicates
highly sensitive test, when negative, rules OUT disease
SPPIN indicates
highly specific test, when positive, rules IN disease
how does prevalence effect PPV and NPV
- inc prevalence => inc PPV, dec NPV
- dec prevalence => dec PPV, inc NPV
area under a ROC curve = …
accuracy / validity of a test
what are the best values for LR and sensitivity/specificity if you a definitive diagnosis
- high specificity
- high LR+
what are the consequences of parallel testing
- inc sensitivity (inc NPV)
- dec specificity (dec PPV)