L1, L19, L22, L24- Intro to Population + Environmental/Occupational Health Flashcards
describe the ‘Triple Aim’ that is used to measure improvements in population health
- better health
- better care
- lower costs
list the Tools for population health science
- ethics
- biostatistics
- epidemiology
- health systems
- preventative medicine (public health)
- cultural competency
- social determinants of health
list the determinants of population health
1) genetics & biology
2) individual behavior
3) social environment
4) physical environment
5) health services
these 3 determinants account for 70% of population health outcomes
health services, social and physical environment
genetics, biology, individual behavior accounts for the other 30%
define genetics and biology as determinant of population health
sex and age
provide examples of individual behavior included as determinant of population health
EtOH use, injection drug use, unprotected sex, smoking, etc
define social environment as determinant of population health
discrimination, income, gender
define physical environment as determinant of population health
where one lives and crowding conditions
define health services as determinant of population health
access to quality health care, having or not having health insurance
list the 5 factors that affect population health from least impactful to most impactful
- counseling & education
- clinical interventions
- long-lasting protective interventions
- changing the context (legislative measures)
- socioeconomic factors (legislative and social changes)
genetic predisposition is responsible for about __% impact on population health outcomes
define health equity
1) everyone is afforded opportunity to attain their full health potential, none are disadvantaged from this due to social position or other socially determine circumstance
2) absence of systematic disparities in health between and within social groups with different social advantages and disadvantages
what are the three common and the most important physical environmental factor that effects health
1) water
2) food
3) air
biotic vs abiotic
Biotic- living members of the environment
Abiotic- nonliving components of the environment
define hazard vs risk
Hazard- source of potential danger that would affect health adversely
Risk- Quantitative Probability that a health effect occurs when exposed to a Hazard
list the types of hazards (environmental/occupational)
- biological
- chemical
- physical
- mechanical (ergonomic)
- psychosocial
what are the 4 approaches to studying hazards (environmental/occupational)
- nature of hazard (what type)
- source of exposure
- routes of exposure
- settings (ex: work, home, school, etc)
list the hierarchy of methods to prevent/control methods
1) eliminate the hazard
2) control the hazard/exposure
3) training
4) personal protective equipment (as last resort)
define the environment as a determinant of health
any external agent that can be causally linked to an INVOLUNTARY change in health
ex. smoking is behavioral determinant, but 2nd-hand smoke is environmental
what is PM2.5 and what can it cause
- Particulate Matter < 2.5 µm; small enough to enter alveolar regions => CV and Pulm. toxicity (systemic inflammation)
- causes impair pulmonary or cardiovascular function
unintentional injury is the number one cause of death for people in the following age range…
1 - 44 y/o
list the common types of occupational diseases/disorders
- musculoskeletal
- dermatological
- pulmonary diseases
- psychological disorders
- neurotoxic disorders
- others: reproductive, CVD, cancers
list the 5 parts of an occupational history
1) description of all jobs held
2) work exposure hx
3) timing of Sxs in relation to work
4) epidemiology of Sxs/illness among co-workers
5) non-occupational exposures / other factors
List the disease with associated with the following exposures:
(1) coal mining
(2) cotton dust
(3) asbestos
(4) mineral dusts
(5) silica dust
1- black lung disease (progressive massive fibrosis via pneumoconiosis) 2- byssinosis (brown lung disease) 3- mesothelioma 4- pneumoconiosis 5- silicosis