L11, L13- Immunology Intro Flashcards
define pathogen
something that causes disease
define antigen
any foreign substance that binds specifically to Ab or T-cell receptor
define epitope
specific portion of antigen that is recognized by Ab or T-cell receptor
define mitogen
chemical substance that encourages cell division
define immunogen
substance capable of eliciting immune response (all are antigens)
define hapten
small molecule that when combined with large carrier (usually protein) elicits production of Abs that bind specifically to it
define immunogenicity
capacity of substance (immunogen) to induce immune response
define antigenicity
ability of antigen to combine with Ab, T-cell receptor / MHC
define adjuvant
substance mixed with antigen to enhance Immunogenicity
adjuvants work generally by increasing (1) and (2), where (2) results in (3)
1- persistence of antigen
2- innate immune response
3- inflammation, stimulation of APC / lymphocytes
_____ is a common adjuvant in humans
list the Antigen factors of Immunogenicity
- foreignness: phylogenetic distance from host
- molecular size: > 100,000 Da
- chemical composition: more complex, proteins/carb/lipid
- Adjuvant
for antigen factors to be recognized they usually need to be > ______ Da
100,000 Da
rank carbohydrates, lipids, proteins in order of immunogenic response
proteins > carbs > lipids
list host factors of Immunogenicity
- host genotype: MHC, T/B-cell receptors
- dosage/administration
(slow/fast) release of antigen is important for its immunogenicity
(2) rank best routes of administration in regards to immunogenicity
1- slow
2- SQ > intraperitoneal > IV > intragastric
_____ route of antigen administration will produce local mucosal immunity, but not systemic immunity
oral route
list the three functions of immune system
- Defense, protect against antigens
- Homeostasis, remove old/damaged components/cells
- Surveillance, perceive and destroy mutated / non-self cells
Innate immunity refers to the (immediate/delayed) (non-/specific) immune response with the following components: (3)
1- immediate reaction
2- non-specific
3- barriers (skin, gastric acidity, ect), phagocytic cells, temperature, antimicrobial peptides
(1) is a first line defense enzyme found in tears that functions to (2)
1- lysozyme
2- hydrolyzes cell wall of bacteria
semen contains _____ as defense against pathogens
antimicrobial chemical
sweat has high (1) and (2) as additional barrier for innate immunity
1- lactic acid
2- [electrolytes]
Acquired immunity refers to the (immediate/delayed) (non-/specific) immune response with the following attributes: (3)
1- delayed (7-14 days)
2- highly specific
3- memory (for pathogen/components), diversity (of defense components), cell- or Ab/humoral- mediated immunity
(T/F) innate immune response is always faster then adaptive immune response
F- adaptive is much faster upon repeat infections due to its memory components, innate is faster upon primary infection
acquired (specific) immunity is known as _____ line of defense
3rd (1st are barriers, 2nd is cellular/chemical innate immunity)
list cellular components of Innate immune system
monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, NK cells
list cellular components of Adaptive immune system
B-cells/plasma cells, T-cells
list humoral components of Innate immune system
complement, CKs, lysozyme, acute phase proteins, IFs
list humoral components of Adaptive immune system
Abs, CKs, complement
list lymphoid cells
NK cells, B and T cells
everything else is myeloid derived
Neutrophils are (a-/granulocytes) with (single/multi-)lobed nucleus. Its main function is to destroy organisms via (3) and (4)
1- granulocytes (many different types of granules)
2- Multi-lobed (2-5)
3- phagocytosis
4- release of hydrolytic enzymes
high numbers of ______ indicate acute infection as they are first to arrive to infected site
Eosinophils are (a-/granulocytes) with (single/multi-)lobed nucleus. Its main function is to eliminate (3), plays a role in (4), and phagocytize (5)
1- granulocytes (crystalloid, azurophilic, specific granules) 2- multi-lobed / bilobed 3- parasites 4- allergic reactions 5- antigen-Ab complexes
high concentration of _____ indicates a parasitic infections