First Aid- Epidemiology and Biostatistics Flashcards
define cross-sectional study
assessing frequency of disease and frequency of risk-related factors- ex. Surveys
(what’s happening)
define case-control study
-compares group with disease and group without disease
-do odds of prior exposure/risk factors differ by disease state
(what happened)
define cohort study
- compares group with exposure to group without exposure
- is exposure related to LATER developed disease
- prospective or retrospective
define twin concordance study
- compares frequency of disease between identical and fraternal twins
- higher the concordance –> more genetic the factors, the lower –> more environmental factors
define adoption study
compares siblings raised by biological v adaptive parents to measure heritability and influence of environmental factors
define triple blind study
- single is patients don’t know what treatment they are getting
- double is patients and doctors not knowing
- triple is patients, doctors, and researchers/statisticians not knowing
purpose of phase I trials
(is it safe)
assesses safety, toxicity, pharmodynamics and pharmacokinetics (discover safe dose range)
purpose of phase II trials
(does it work)
assesses treatment efficacy, optimal dosing, adverse effects
purpose of phase III trials
(is it better than what there is)
compare treatment to current standard of care
purpose of phase IV trials
(can it stay)
- drug is on the market, although can be withdrawn
- detects rare, long-term adverse effects
define drug/therapy efficacy
how well the drug/therapy works under good experimental conditions
(internal validity)
define drug/therapy effectiveness
how well the drug/therapy works under real world conditions
generalizability, external validity
sensitivity, aka (1)
define SN-N-OUT
1- true positive rate
2- high sensitivity, if negative, r/o disease
specificity, aka (2)
define SP-P-IN
1- true negative rate
2- high specificity, if positive, rules in disease
pretest probability varies directly with…
positive predictive value, prevalence
pretest probability varies inversely with…
negative predictive value
LR+ formula and the desired/significant value
LR+ = sensitivity / (1 - specificity) = TP rate / FP rate
LR+ > 10 indicates useful diagnostic test
LR- formula and the desired/significant value
LR- = (1 - sensitivity) / specificity = FN rate / TN rate
LR- < 0.1 indicates useful diagnostic test
LRs (+ or -) multiplied by (1) estimates (2)
1- pretest odds
2- posttest odds
PostOdds = LR * PreOdds
prevalence = …
prevalence = (number of cases) / (total population)
[at a point in time]