L3.2: Multiple Intelligences, Factors, and Philosophies of Learning Flashcards
In 1983, this was coined by Howard Gardner
Multiple intelligences
“A person does not have just a single type of intellectual capacity” who stated this?
Howard Gardner, 2010
In what year did Gardner add the naturalist as the 8th intelligence?
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka word-smart individuals
→ excels in words, language, and writing
→ likes to read, write, and tell stories
→ good at memorization and learns best by saying, hearing, and seeing words
→ teaching methods:
- use poetry or script writing
- debates
- formal speaking opportunities
- use humor (joke writing or telling)
- give opportunities to read
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka logic-smart individuals
→ excels in analyzing problems and mathematical operations
→ likes to conduct experiments and think about abstract ideas
→ good at math, reasoning, logic, and problem solving
→ learns best with abstract patterns
→ teaching methods:
- give opportunities for problem solving
- involve calculations
- interpret a code
- use patterns and logic games
- organize information in an outline
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka picture-smart individuals
→ relating to or occupying space
→ excels in visual and spatial judgement
→ likes to draw, build, design, create, daydream, look at pictures, watch movies, and play with machines
→ good at imagining, mazes/puzzles, reading maps, and charts
→ learns best by envisioning and working with colors and pictures
→ teaching methods:
- use mind-mapping techniques
- use guided visualizations or verbal imagery
- provide opportunities for artistic expression using different mediums (e.g. paint, clay, etc.)
- allow for make-believe or fantasy
- create collages for visual representations
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka music-smart individuals
→ excels in rhythm and music
→ likes to sing, hum, listen to music, and play instruments
→ good at remembering tunes, picking up sounds, remembering melodies, and noticing pitches and rhythms
→ learns best by rhythm, melody, and music
→ teaching methods:
- use instruments and sounds
- use environmental sounds
- allow for composition and performance
- allow for creation of songs about a topic
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka body-smart individuals
→ excels in physical movement and motor control
→ likes to move, touch, and talk using body language
→ good at physical activities
→ learns best by tactile senses, moving, and processing information through bodily sensations
→ teaching methods:
- use body sculptures
- role playing, miming, or charade games
- allow for physical exercise, dance, or martial arts
- create opportunities for skits
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka nature-smart individuals
→ excels in finding patterns and relationships to nature
→ likes to play and work outside, visit beaches, hike mountains, and interact with the environment
→ good at planning trips and conserving nature
→ learns best by studying natural phenomenon in a natural setting and learning about how things work
→ teaching methods:
- have classroom plants or animals
- observe nature and go on nature walks
- use species classification
- provide hands-on lab with natural materials
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka people smart individuals
→ excels in understanding and relating to other people
→ likes having friends, people to talk to, and groups
→ good at empathizing, leadership, communicating, and arbitrating conflicts
→ learns best by sharing, comparing, and cooperating with others
→ teaching methods:
- teach collaborative skills
- plenty of group works
- person-person communication
- use empathy
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ aka self-smart individuals
→ excels in introspection (examining one’s thoughts and feelings) and self-reflection
→ likes to work alone and pursue one’s interests
→ good at understanding one’s thoughts and feelings, focusing on the self, and being original
→ these people are self-motivated
→ learns best by working alone, individual assignments, self-paced learning, and having their own space
→ teaching methods:
- practice meditation
- allow for self-reflection
- use mindfulness
What multiple intelligence is this?
→ excels in reflection and deep thinking about human existence
→ likes to ponder on life’s significance and the meaning of death
→ good at contemplating about deep questions regarding human existence (sees the bigger picture)
→ learns best by connecting the learnings and the outside world
→ looks beyond the senses to explain phenomena
Factor that Affects Learning:
- light, sound, temperature, and formal/informal arrangement
Factor that Affects Learning:
- motivational, persistence, and responsibility
Factor that Affects Learning:
- learning with the self, pair, peer, teams, adult lead, or a variety of work groups