L31: Diarrhea Flashcards
what is osmotic D+
excess amounts of poorly absorbable, low MW substances that remain in the intestinal lumen = excessive amounts of osmotically active solutes are retained in the intestinal lumen
what things can cause osmotic D+
ingestion of poorly absorbable substrates; excessive amounts of salt/laxatives/cathartics; sugar alcohol; Na salts; hydrophilic colloids
both malabsorption & maldigestion lead to water retention in the ?
intestinal lumen
inadequate production of digestive enzymes by pancreatic acinar cells
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
what could cause exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
immune mediated pancreatic acinar atrophy or secondary to chronic pancreatitis
lactase deficiency in the brush border that occurs when lactase activity falls to ~10% of its peak activity
lactose intolerance
D+ occurs then when more lactose is consumed than what the animal can digest
what occurs in lymphangiectasia (lymphatic obstruction) in dogs
- engorged lymphatics have a narrow rim of small lymphocytes and expand the villi
- absorption of all nutrients is compromised
- increased venous/lymphatic pressure due to malformation of lymphatic drainage
symptoms of lymphangiectasia (lymphatic obstruction)
- malabsorption of lipids and loss of plasma protein into lumen
- dilated/ruptured lacteals compress surrounding blood vessels
- chronic D+, wasting, hypoproteinemia, lymphopenia, hypocalcemia, hypocholesterolemia
- peripheral edema, ascites, hydrothorax
excessive/uncontrolled ion transport causes this kind of D+
what mediators stimulate Cl- secretion via CFTR
- bacterial toxins (cholera, E.coli)
- fatty acids
- bile acids
how does cholera cause D+
cholera toxin activates Gproteins which activate adenylyl cyclase which activates cAMP; elevated cAMP levels open CFTR channel; water and Na follow paracellularly
what type of D+ is unaffected by fasting, why?
secretory b/c the CFTR is activated by toxins/agents even without digesta present
how is it that nutrient absorption in the SI stays relatively normal during secretory D+
b/c Na-dependent nutrient absorption (SGLT-1) occurs in SI
occurs when pancreatic acinar cells are slactingggg
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (not enough digestive enzymes being made)