L27 Flashcards
Torque in the Human Body broken down
T= F x r
Force= muscle
Moment arm= bones
Torque would causes rotation about a joint for locomotion, etc
The product of muscle tension and muscle moment arm produces
Torque at the joint crossed by the muscle
The moment arm for a muscle is the
Perpendicular distance from the muscle line of action to the joint center
-it will change for a muscle will change as the segment moves through the ROM
Tibiofemoral joint (knee) moves into extension, the moment arm of the quads will
Decrease -anterior side of the body
-axis of rotation is the knee for the thigh and shank
As the talocrural (ankle) joint moves into plantar flexion, the moment arm of the gastric and soles will
Increase -changes the angle of the foot to the shank
Joint torques
Produce movement of body segments
-muscles pull on points across a center of rotation, creating torque
-agonistic and antagonistic muscles are working so the change in joint position is a result of net torque
Joint Torque can be measured Directly or Indirectly
Directly: place a strain gauge in the muscle
Indirectly: EMG, isokinetic device
Components of a Lever System: (3)
Axis/ Fulcrum
Force Applied
Axis/ Fulcrum
Axis of rotation of the system
-rotation will occur around the fulcrum
-joints in the body
Force Applied
Amount of force applied to the lever
-used to rotate some resistance around the fulcrum
-bones in the body
Weight -what you try to move
-amount applied to the lever system that opposes force applied
-muscle in the body
If axis is in the middle, its a first class
If Resistance is in the middle, its a second class
If Force is in the middle, its a third class
First class lever:
Arrangement: FAR or RAF
-balance 2 forces and changes direction of applied force
-cervical spine and cranium
Ex) force is applied by neck extensors, vertebrae is axis, weight of the head is resistance
Second Class Lever
Arrangement: ARF or FRA
-favours force production because the force arm will always be greater than the resistance arm
-least common in the body
Ex) wheelbarrow
-talocrural joint -force applied by gastric and soleous, forefoot is axis, resistance is from the leg
Third Class Levers
Arrangement: RFA or AFR
-favour speed and ROM, not force production
-most common in body
Ex) humeroulnar, tibiofemoral, cocofemoral joints
-force applied by muscle, axis is joint center, and resistance is distal segment
A second class lever does what
Favours force production