L2: Neck, Back & Abdominal Muscles Flashcards
What are the Abdominal Muscles?
(in order from most superficial to deepest)
Rectus Abdominis
External Oblique
Internal Oblique
Transversus Abdominis
Rectus Abdominis
O: Pubic symphysis and pubic crest
I: Xiphoid process and 5th–7th costal cartilages
F: Flexes trunk
NS: Thoracoabdominal and subcostal nerves
External oblique
O: External surfaces of 5th–12th ribs
I: Linea alba, pubic tubercle, anterior 1/2 of iliac crest
F: Flex and Rotate trunk
NS: Thoracoabdominal and subcostal nerves
Internal oblique:
O: Iliac Crest and Inguinal Ligament
I: Lower 3 Ribs
F: flex and rotate trunk
NS: Thoracoabdominal and subcostal nerves
Transversus Abdominis
O: lower six ribs, iliac crest, and inguinal ligament
I: linea alba and the pubic crest
F: stability to the abdominal wall and assisting in compression of the abdominal contents.
NS: Thoracoabdominal and subcostal nerves
What are the Muscles of the Thoracic Wall?
(from most superficial to deepest)
Serratus Posterior Superior
Serratus Posterior Inferior
External Intercostal Muscles
Internal Intercostal Muscles
Innermost Intercostal Muscles
External Intercostal Muscles
O: Inferior border of ribs
I: Superior border of ribs below
F: During forced inspiration: elevates ribs
NS: Intercostal nerves
Internal Intercostal Muscles
O: Inferior border of ribs
I: Superior border of ribs below
F: During forced expiration: depress ribs
NS: Intercostal nerves
Innermost Intercostal Muscles
O: Inferior border of ribs
I: Superior border of ribs below
F: During forced expiration: depress ribs
NS: Intercostal nerves
Serratus Posterior Superior
O: Nuchal ligament, spinous processes of C7–T3
I: Superior borders of 2nd–4th ribs
F: Elevate ribs
NS: Intercostal nerves
Serratus Posterior Inferior
O: Inferior borders of 8th–12th ribs
I: Spinous processes of T11–L2 vertebrae
F: Depresses ribs
NS: Intercostal nerves
What are the Suboccipital Muscles?
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Obliquus Capitis Superior
Obliquus Capitis Inferior
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
O: Spinous process of the axis (C2)
I: Inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone.
F: Primarily responsible for head extension.
NS: Suboccipital Nerve
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
O: Posterior tubercle of the atlas (C1)
I: Inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone
F: head extension and minor lateral flexion.
NS: Suboccipital Nerve
Obliquus Capitis Superior
O: transverse process of the atlas (C1)
I: Occipital bone between the nuchal lines.
F: Lateral flexion and rotation of the head and neck.
NS: Suboccipital Nerve
Obliquus Capitis Inferior
O: Spinous process of the axis (C2)
I: transverse process of the atlas (C1)
F: Rotation of the head and neck.
NS: Suboccipital Nerve
Superficial Back Muscles
Latissimus Dorsi
Rhomboid Major
Rhomboid Minor
Intermediate Back Muscles
Levator Scapulae:
Deep Back Muscles
(Erector Spinae Group):
dont need to know specific attachments:
Iliocostalis Thoracis
Longissimus Thoracis
Spinalis Thoracis:
Deepest back Muscles:
Rotatores (brevis and longus)
dont need to know attachments
What are the Functions and Nerve Supply of the Erector Spinae Group?
Extends head and thoracic and cervical regions of vertebral column and rotates them contralaterally
Posterior rami of spinal nerves
Multifidus Function and Innervation:
Unilateral contraction rotates to contralateral side; stabilizes vertebrae during local movements of vertebral column
Posterior rami of spinal nerves
Rotatores (brevis and longus)
Function and Innervation:
Stabilize vertebrae and assist with local extension and rotatory movements of vertebral column
Posterior rami of spinal nerves
What are Semispinalis Muscles?
(also deep muscles)
The semispinalis, as its name indicates, arises from approximately half of the vertebral column. It is divided into three parts according to the vertebral level of its superior attachments:
- Semispinalis Capitis,
- Semispinalis Cervicis
- Semispinalis Thoracis.
Semispinalis Capitis:
O: transverse processes of upper thoracic vertebrae
I: occipital bone between the nuchal lines.
F: extension and rotation of the head and neck.
NS: Posterior Rami
Semispinalis Cervicis:
O: multiple transverse processes vertebrae
I: spinous process of Axis
F: extending and rotating the neck.
NS: Posterior Rami
Semispinalis Thoracis:
O + I: located in the thoracic region of the spine, originating on TP’s and inserting on SP’s
F: extending and rotating the thoracic spine
NS: Posterior Rami