L19: Larynx Flashcards
What are the cartilages of the larynx? Which are single, which are paired?
- Thyroid: single - Cricoid: single - Epiglottic: single - Arytenoid: paired - Corniculate: paired - Cuneiform: paired
Structures of thyroid cartilage
- Laryngeal prominence: two quadrilateral laminae open posteriorly and fuse anteriorly to form this - Thyroid notch: V-shaped structure formed by superior laryngeal prominence - Superior and inferior horns: are posterior border projections
What is the posterior part of the cricoid cartilage called? Anterior part?
- Posterior part = lamina – arytenoid cartilage sits on top of this - Anterior part = arch
What is the structure that connects the inferior end of the epiglottic cartilage to the thyroid cartilage?
- Thyroepiglottic ligament
Describe the arytenoid cartilage
- Pyramidal cartilage with anterior processes known as vocal processes - Lateral processes known as muscular processes - Apex = superior portion - Base = inferior portion
What are the two cartilages found in the aryepiglottic fold? What is the function?
- Corniculate (sits on apex of arytenoid cartilage) - Cuneiform - They both support the aryepiglottic fold
Joints of larynx
- Cricothyroid: synovial joint bw inferior horn of thyroid and lateral surface of cricoid cartilage - Cricoarytenoid: synovial joint bw base of arytenoid cartilage and superior lamina of cricoid cartilage
What movement occurs at cricothyroid joint?
- Rotation and gliding between thyroid and cricoid cartilage
What movement occurs at the cricoarytenoid joint?
- Sliding, tilting anterior and posterior, rotatory
This ligaments suspends the larynx
- Thyrohyoid membrane
What structures pierce the thyrohyoid membrane?
- Internal laryngeal nerve (from vagus) and superior laryngeal artery (from superior thyroid of external carotid)
What is the ligament connecting the cricoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage?
- Cricothyroid ligament
How is an emergency cricothyroidectomy performed?
- Find the thyroid notch - Move inferiorly to find the cricothyroid ligament (superior to cricoid cartilage) - Save a life
What is the ligament connecting the cricoid cartilage to the first tracheal ring?
- Cricotracheal ligament
What are ligaments beneath the first tracheal ring called?
- Tracheal ligaments