L10 Flashcards
What are the benefits of social media use for adolescents?
Staying connected with friends, self-expression, and finding peers with similar interests.
What are the potential harms of social media use for adolescents?
Increased anxiety, loneliness, depression, lower self-esteem, poor body image, poor sleep, and attention difficulties, especially for girls and younger teens (12-14 years old).
What is moral development, and what principles are central to it?
Moral development refers to judgments about how people should interact, based on principles of justice, welfare, and fairness
At what age do children enter Piaget’s autonomous stage of moral reasoning?
Around 10+ years old, when they understand that rules can be changed by social agreement and consider moral principles like fairness and intentions.
What are the three stages of Kohlberg’s moral reasoning?
Preconventional (3-7 years): Moral reasoning based on avoiding punishment and gaining rewards.
Conventional (8-13 years): Adherence to social rules and maintaining social order.
Postconventional (13+ years): Based on personal principles and universal values like fairness and justice.
How does Theory of Mind relate to moral development?
As children develop Theory of Mind, they increasingly appreciate others’ intentions, which influences their moral judgments.
What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?
Empathy is understanding and sharing the emotional state of another, while sympathy is the feeling of concern for another person’s emotional state.
At what age do prosocial behaviors emerge, and how do they develop?
18-24 months: Toddlers show prosocial behaviors like sharing, helping, and comforting others, facilitated by the emergence of a sense of self.
What is the evolutionary reasoning behind prosocial behavior?
Prosocial behaviors increase chances of survival and help pass on genes, as cooperation and helping others benefits the group.
What is hostile attribution bias?
The tendency to assume that others’ ambiguous actions are intentionally malicious, often leading to increased aggression.
What is the role of parenting in the development of aggression?
Harsh parenting, parental conflict, and spanking are associated with higher aggression in children, especially in authoritarian and uninvolved parenting style
At what age does physical aggression typically emerge, and when does it decline?
Physical aggression emerges around 18 months and increases until about 3 years old, then declines as language skills and emotion regulation improve.