L04 Flashcards
What are Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development and their key achievements?
Sensorimotor (0-2yo): Object permanence.
Preoperational (2-7yo): Egocentrism, centration, symbolic thought.
Concrete Operational (7-12yo): Logical reasoning about physical world.
Formal Operational (12+): Abstract and scientific thinking.
What is scaffolding in learning?
A caregiver temporarily supports a child’s thinking at a higher level than they could achieve alone through physical help, demonstration, or explicit instruction.
What is the Zone of Proximal Development?
The difference between what a child can do independently and what they can achieve with help.
At what age does private speech begin, and what does it achieve?
Around 3 years; it helps children regulate their behavior, especially during difficult tasks.
How does poverty impact cognitive development?
Low SES households face risks like inadequate nutrition and lower quality environments, leading to lower IQ and academic achievement.
What is joint attention, and when does it develop?
Shared attention on an object with awareness of the shared focus. Develops between 9-12 months.
What is the mirror rouge test, and when do infants pass it?
A test of self-recognition. Infants pass around 18-24 months.
What age marks the emergence of understanding false beliefs?
Around 5 years. Most 3-year-olds fail, while most 5-year-olds pass.
What is the violation of expectation paradigm, and what does it reveal?
Infants look longer at impossible events, revealing early knowledge of object permanence and physical properties.
How does the Theory of Mind develop over time?
6 months: Understanding action intentions.
9-12 months: Joint attention and imitation.
1 year: Understanding others’ desires.
18-24 months: Explicit sense of self (rouge test).
2 years: Understanding others’ desires are different.
3 years: Beliefs lead to actions; fail false-belief tests.
5 years: Pass false-belief tests; Theory of Mind fully develops.
What brain area is active in complex social interaction?
The Temporoparietal Junction (TPJ).
What helps children develop Theory of Mind?
Mental state talk, interactions with diverse people, and joint attention.