L1 - Yaeger & Deck 2020 Flashcards
What is a growth mindset?
The belief that intelligence and abilities can develop through effort, learning, and persistence.
How does attribution theory relate to growth mindset?
Growth mindset aligns with attributing success to effort and strategy rather than innate ability.
How does achievement goal theory connect to growth mindset?
Growth mindset fosters learning goals (developing competence) rather than performance goals (validating competence).
What is the Mindset Meaning-System Index (MMI)?
A standardized measure assessing effort beliefs, goal orientations, and responses to failure.
What belief about effort is associated with a fixed mindset?
The belief that needing effort means a lack of ability.
How does a growth mindset influence performance avoidance goals?
It reduces the desire to avoid situations that might reveal a lack of ability.
How do Yeager & Dweck respond to GMT criticism?
They highlight consistent findings from large-scale studies and emphasize that heterogeneity is informative.
Why do growth mindset effect sizes matter despite being small?
In large educational settings, small effects can lead to meaningful real-world improvements.
What are key components of a successful GM intervention?
Teaching neuroplasticity, using metaphors, providing real-life examples, and engaging students in reflection.
Why do poorly designed GM interventions fail?
They only define growth mindset without showing how to apply it.
When are GM interventions most effective?
When students face academic challenges and the environment supports effort and persistence.
What is the Mindset × Context Perspective?
The idea that growth mindset effects depend on both individual challenges and environmental support.
In what contexts are GM interventions most beneficial?
In challenging academic settings with teachers who promote risk-taking and persistence.
Why is sample selection important in mindset research?
Representative samples reveal real-world variability, while convenience samples can be misleading.