ksi - representation Flashcards
how has KSI changed?
- he’s become far more sensitive to the way
he represents different social groups in his media
products - he was
16 years old when he began posting videos, now 31 years old and is more conscious of the
impact he has on audiences. could be seen
as self-regulation.
how could his persona be seen as masculine?
‘cocky, cool older brother’ persona could
be seen as a combination of many traditionally
masculine traits: highly competitive (sports
and videogames); suspicious of femininity;
motivated by success and victory; lack of
compromise; ‘rude’ and impolite humour;
physical strength and endurance.
what is he a positive representation of?
- represents a very positive portrayal of young, Black, British men
- failed his A levels, yet
through hard work and innovation KSI has become a millionaire. - many of his fans describe him as being inspirational, and some have followed his example to become
influencers themselves. - his acronym stands for
‘Knowledge, Strength, Integrity’ – and the way
he seeks to manifest these values creates a very
positive portrayal of young people (and their
relationship with technology)
how else does he represent positive values?
through his boxing career - he had never boxed
before, and the first fight with Joe Weller seemed
more like a scuffle that escalated – an example
of stereotypical machismo. However, the commitment with which KSI trained (detailed in his videos), and
subsequent victories showed his ambition rather than arrogance.
dedication that leads to success, from underdog
to victor, is a traditional narrative in the sports
movie genre, especially boxing dramas like
audience responses to media reps - what relationship does jj have with his audience?
KSI has a very blunt, honest relationship with
his fanbase, and often personally responds to
comments they make about his media products.
does he respond to audiences?
he has responded to negative comments from
fans about comments that have been perceived
as sexist, homophobic or racist; often he has
apologised and thanked the audience for raising
his awareness.
what type of material does he post and why?
Like many YouTubers, he knows the value
of shocking, politically incorrect material for
gaining hits on the site, and therefore popularity
and success.
judith butler & ksi
ksi could be said to be performing a
traditionally masculine gender identity.
e.g the Not Over Yet music video: the costume, the dance/boxing posture, the
‘challenges’ he faces in the montage.
but, he subverts traditionally masculine stereotypes by showing vulnerability when opening up about his mental health struggles and therapy
david gauntlett & ksi
JJ’s relatable persona and modelling of
how anyone can potentially be a success could be used by the audience to help construct their own identities. also, the way KSI has changed roles – from commentator
to musician and sportsman – reflects the fluid
nature of identity. His ‘New vs Old KSI’ videos
where he reacts to the ‘old’ him reinforces this