korean war + The Maoist years Flashcards
what was the after result of korean war
after US and China became more antagonistic (why we still have to talk about it)
-north korea has nuclear weapons that can reach the west
why did China enter the korean war
becaus ethey were worried US would get to close to manchuria frp, Korea borderline.
can china claim victory with korea wear
yes because they took on the US, so in that sense they can claim some victory
what is korean war often called
forgitten war because it is overshadowed by others
did korean war end with a peace traty
no, only ceasefire agreement (armstice) no peace treaty
technically war is only paused
did people want the korean war
how many chinese troops were killed in korean war
1 million
what was estbalished before the korean war
division of the korean penniinsula at the 38th parallel. it was agreed upon by US and soviet union
why was kim il sung more easily influenced by communist ideas
like lost names, the dad who was anti japanese and lived better in china which has more communist influence
what was cold war
arms race beween US and soviet inion also led space race
what led up to cold war
1)arms race
2)ideological confrontation (communims vs capitalism)
3)both sides had seperate allies that they were building up
why was china a tricky ally for soviet union
because stalin did not like mao (thought he was a country bumpkin)
-US denied meeting with Mao so Mao settled with soviet union
who was syngman rhee
south korean leader guy who was backed by US
he was very pro america
when did korean war start
1950, US joined two days later
what was the catalyst for the war
syngman rhee provoked korea “we could take north korea in three days”
-kim il sung sent troops crossing 38th parallel
did south korea have enough troops of their own to fight
no, they needed help
what was macarthurs attutude towards korean war
he was ery confident they could win war with two divisions
what was chiang kai sheks offer to truman
give him troops in hopes of US winning and letting KMT leave taiwan back into china
what was their smug talk over during korean war
unleashing chiang kai shek (unrelaitic he was not valuable did not have a lot of troops either)
how did chiense (PRC) troops crossing the yalu river change the nature of the war
in the beginning it was a civil war when US and China got involved it necame a proxy war.
-hot war in cold war
-became international
was macaruthru a general during all the korean war
No, dismissed from UN commander in chief and by truman when war was not progressing as orignally thought
when was armistice
what was significance of korean war
-deepening of sino-american hostility
-japan was a new ally and benefit to japans economy (korea got mats from Japan)
-south korea as testing ground for democracy
what two campaigns came before the great leap forward
hundred flowers campaign and anti rightist campaign
what was the second five year plan
the great leap forward
did the second five year plan last for the full five years
no, came to an arubpt end because it was unsuccesful
why was their more emphasis on self reliance in 2nd five year plan
because of sino soviet split and western economic embargo,
China and soviet nion fell out. former soviet union had lots of clashes
was anti rightist campagn still happening at start of great leap forward. what did it lead to
yes, which caused people to be less likely to speak out about inability to work and fulfll rolls
led to inflated quota so unrelaistic expectations from gov
people died from famine in country
what were backyward furnances, what era was it during
during great leap forward
-in small areas of villages people were asked to set up furnaces to produc steel for industrialization
was there famine and stravtion during great leap forward
yes. not all land is fertile and govnt did not care (irrational reliance on human capital)
first five year plan focused on _____ and then there was a switch to ______
urban; rural
what did mao want china to rely on
its own people
what was china’s ultimate/final goal
to catch up to england in 15 years (haha) unrealistic goal
why was mao so confient in himself
becauuse from mao’s perspective he led the commy’s to victory against all odds
what did mao do in 1959 when great leap forward was failing
stepped down, then came back as chairman during cultutal revolution
what was the cultural revolution in reality
a power struggle
what was end of cultural revolution marked by
mao’s death
what was idea bheind cultural revolution
-get rid of old culture (ie confucianism)
-in reality power struggle at top level of govnt between mao and his right arms
what was mao worried about by his right hand men
that they would bring back capitalisn
why did cultural revolution get out of ontrol
because it was orgnazed by young people
who were the red guards
during cultural revolution
-intellectuals and party officials were removed
-if you did not like someone, get rud of them
idealogical indotrination during cultural revolution
first hour of class was deicated to learning Mao ideas/praise mao
-of course they would want to rebel
-program youth
communists puritanism
all women dress the same, same hair, no makeup
-follow communism by all conventions
outcome and consequence of cultural revolution domestically
economic stagnation
outcome and consequence of cultural revolution internationally
cold war isolation
what caused the nixon shock
he went to china