contemporary japan Flashcards
what can contemporary japan also be called
independent japan
politcail system of contemporary japan
parliamentary democracy
what politucal party dominated contemporary japan
liberal democratic party (LDP: 1955)
____ was democratic centralism and _____ was parliamentary democracy
china; japan
what policy did LDP adopt
pro america/pro business
what party still dominates japan today
LDP, so effectively one party rule. still other parties but so small and always lose elections
confucian idea of govnt
big govnt as long as leaders help the people
are japanese ok with big govnt
yes because govnt has done a lot for the people in terms of their lives (improve standard of living)
what do japan and and china (modern) have in common
centralized power
in 1993 what party rose in popularity for 1 year in Japan
socialist party (LDP had to concede to it)
yoshida (shigeru) doctrine
doctrine is pro business and pro american
what did yoshida practice
confucian capitalism
who was yoshida
one person in Japan that was anti war and anti WWII
-installed into power by macarthur
-Japanese prime minister twice
japanese benefits from koream war
economic boom from providing mats to korea for war
what did yoshida think about the korean war
that it was a gift from god
confucian capitalism
-harmony/social order w/in japanese companies
-big govnt = confucain so more control over comanies
contemporary japan economic planning
US controls economy with Fed, but always discenting voice against big govnt
-in japan less opposition to japanese control of economy
what did japan post war want to do to economy
wanted to help economy by building companies (gov told them where to build it) ->built in cities and coastal areas
close govnt - zaibatsu relationship
politician help ceo and vice versa
example of japanese zaibatsu
toyota and nintendo
switch from zaibatsu busting to allowed
first were busted then got worried about communism in occupation so macarhthur said ehhhh its fine
japanese employment system
-japanese workers not layed off (confucian idea of respect/harmony)
-japanese stay with compnay for lifetime, if they switch they have to start from basics again
contemporary japan trade
needed trade post WWII because of scarcity of resoruces
what was japans economic lifeline
trade, always has been always will be
how did Japan manage to trade post war despite needing to pay war reperations
used pro american idea
-US nudged other countries to take japanese items until reperations from war were payed off
-if people like the products they will buy more keeping economy alive
how did japanese promote their products
was keiretsu related to zaibatsu
the further developmenr of zaibatsu (had new features)
what are keiretu
compnaies are monopolistic and connected by buying each others stocks
-causes them to wish competitors to do well
-have own banking and shipping sector to streamline and spend less money on speerate things
education in contemporary japan
free and easier to have
more efficent, more people eduated
confucisou: more people with more opportunity and more people to contribute to society
social practices in contemporary japan
higher rates of households savings (wives control spending and they tend to have more and plan where money goes more in japan)