china during 19th century Flashcards
three main themes of china during 19th century
foreign imperalism, domestic rebellion, reform
forceful entry into another nation also economic and exploitative entries into nation. western nations thought they should help “uncivilized nations”
three G’s of imperialism/imperialistic incentives
glory, golden, god
was china ever taken over by one country
no, but they suffered from semi colonialism
why did china feel need to reform
semi colonialis
semi colonialism
different parts of country were divided by many foreign powers
how was china before they encountered the west
-a confucian emire
-population growth
-agrarian economy
-active continental market
china’s agraian economy
85-90% of citizens were farmers (very self sustaining)
chinas contineal market
silk road
-active trade networks within asia
when did chinese trade flourish
qing dynasty
what chinese material item became a popular way to show status
silk and porcelain
result of treaty of nanjing and other treaties between eastern asia nations and western nations
British/foreigners do not obey the laws of the nation they are in
what was main thing britian could trade with china after industrial revolution
textiles; however, china is hot and they did not need wool
canton trade system significance
canton for along time in china was only place foreign trade woudl occur. only 12-15 Chinese companies could trade (competitive)
trade imbalance between china and britain
britain imperialized india so they had surplus to trade with china nevaise they wanted chinese goods like silk and porcelain. china did not want british wool and textiles b/c it is hot. also lots of chinese are farmers so they do not need warm clothes
what did british do to conquer its tarde imbalance with china
shipped opium to china. british opium came from india so china had opium addiction. 1839 was a threshold when opium export spiked despite first year of first opium war.
what led to first opium war
-canton trade system
-trade imbalance between britain and china
-birtsih forced export of opium to china
what did lin zexu lead
anti-opium campaign
what did lin say in his letter to the queen about the opium
opium is illegal. anyone who sells it will be killed. stop all sales in 1.5 years. your country banned it yet you still sell it to us. china can survive without british trade but british can not survive without chinese trade since it is more enriching
what ultimately started opium war
chinese burning 24,000 chests of opium
when was treaty of nanjing written
example of one of the three G’s after treaty of nanjing
missionaries could go to new british port in hong kong to spread relgiion
century of himilation
for century china was bossed around by other nations from 1840-1940. so now with tariff imposed on them they argue about it, don’t take it right awaty.
what are some things that happened durung the second opium war
-burning and looting of chinas old summer palace by the british and french
-6 more ports opened to foreign trade
-more missionaries
-legalizing opium
how did the second opium war start
treaty of nanjing was not stated as renewable, they asked to renew it. China said no so war started
hong xiuquan
-said he is younger brother of jesus christ
-took cvil service test 4 times and failed, go depressed, was in 40 day coma and dreamed this
-wanted to topple qing government
what did hong xiuquan found
god worshipper society
-generated following because of troubles from opium war
heavenly kingdom of great peace (1853) was
an actual kingdom. Defeat was dealt by western powers who aided chinese to defeat the taiping uprising
what are three things that impacted china
imperialism, revolt, reforms
who was revolting in China
facing lots of uprising from peasents and others
self stratening movement happened
when japan defeated china in war
leadership during self stratening movement
two governors: one in north other in south
-reform was not well coordinated so it was hard for governors to contact each other
measures during self satrenting movement
new institutions
-western learning
-urban infrastructure
example of new institutions during self straighetning movement
like mayors office/foreign affairs office
example of western learning during self straightening movement
chinese students sent to US for school to learn something, go back to US, and reform
problem of sending chinese students to US
theya dapated to US life and did not want to leave
yung wing
one of the people sent to US to learn. went to US college