Japan Taisho period Flashcards
when was taisho democracy in Japan
early 1900s
describe what it was like in taisho japan
flourishing, rising middle class democracy and fearful anxiety time
when Meji era ended
taisho period started
end of meiji era, how did it happen? what did it lead to?
emperor meji died.
-good timing because Meji reformes had matured
-Taisho (meiji’s son” took over. He was a weakling. He was mentally challeneged. No one said anything though cause technically he is god
was taisho period smooth and consistent
no it jad problems. They were experimenting with democracy
party system during taisho period
2 party system
universal manhood suffrage happened during ______ _____, it was
during taisho period, all male citzens can vote no matter status
big industrial power houses (in terms of companies or individuas who led the companies)
with zaibatsu came emergence of _____ ______
middle class. emerging middle class = people who are doing well. Most people were in the middle class, it was easy to be
what do some of the things from the indisutrilization and power of zaibatsu show about taisho period japan
shows instability of society and does not allign with conficuous idea of hormonious society.
social unrest in taisho japan
with factoroes you have workers who work in very poor conditions. wanted collective barganining
urban rural divide in taisho japan
experienced vs inexperienced people where some get resources and others lose them
-more emerging difefrences between rich and poor
-rural people tended to be moreconservative and tradiaiotnal. hold onto it more. urban people push boundaries
What also emerged during taisho period
what is moga
japanese feminism and its symbolism
what does moga symbolize
modernization, trendiness, fashion, westernization, was frowned upon by rural counterparts
examples of social unrest
rice riots, labor strikes, tenant riots
why were there tenant riots
rents were too high
did moga contribute to rift in society
great depression in japan
japanese trade and export suffered because demand from US decreases (unhappy time)
what did increase unemployment in taisho japan cause
unemployment rate was 40%
-led to suicide and seppuku (felt they dishonored those around them)
decline of trade and rising unemployemnt led to
worsneing of existing social and economic tensions
rise of militarism
collective military leadership
-bribed by zaibatsu
-no ideological commitment
what was military solution
solution: military idea is for “us” to expad]nd out for more natural resources and to solve tebnsions -> went to manchuria -> will be living space for apanese